Master of Arts Degree in Music

Master of Arts Degree in Music

The purpose of this degree is to produce musicians who implement strong technical, musical, and communication skills to honor the Lord through music.

Learning Outcomes

You’ll be able to

  • evaluate form and style characteristics in music literature.
  • produce public performances showing graduate proficiency in music.
  • communicate concisely and effectively about music in oral and written formats.

Admission Requirements

See Admission Requirements.

Residence Requirements

Thirty semester credit hours of work may be completed in two years by enrolling fall, spring, summer, fall, and spring. A public recital must be given before graduate work is completed.

Music Proficiency

All music graduate students must demonstrate basic keyboard skill before completing the degree program.

Private music instruction in the student’s proficiency is required each semester. Music instruction is available in conducting, instrumental, keyboard, and voice. MU 656 Graduate Recital includes private music instruction. Ensemble credit includes Chamber Ensemble, Orchestra, or Accompaniment Practicum.