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Courses that do not have a term notation are not offered on a set rotation. See course offerings for online-learning course rotations by term. The number of semester credit hours which a course carries is listed in parentheses following the course title.

DP 511 Introduction to Graduate Studies (2) Offered on campus: Summer. Students demonstrate their knowledge in techniques and methods of interpretation, research, and analysis. Utilizing the methods of research, students will begin background research on the graduate project.

DP 515 Production Management (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. The M.F.A. student studies the principles of production and stage management applied to the fields of operation and production with emphasis on marketing, developing, budgeting, and organizational structure.

DP 521 Advanced Acting (3) Offered on campus: Fall. This course trains graduate students in advanced acting techniques, giving them a broader perspective of dramatic performance. Students perform in various types of realistic and classical dramas.

DP 530 Teaching Practicum (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. Prereq.: ED 545 or teaching experience. Under the guidance of the dramatics faculty, M.F.A. students will gain practical experience in teaching and evaluating dramatic production students at the college level.

DP 603 Advanced Stage Makeup and Costuming (2) Offered on campus: Spring. While focusing on the principles of design and their application to the stage, students will learn the historical approach to costume design from research and analysis to a final rendering. In addition, students will receive instruction and practical experience with advanced makeup techniques.

DP 605 Studies in Directing (3) Offered on campus: Fall. Students will learn script analysis, directorial concepts, character development, blocking, composition, and stage movement. In addition, a study of various directorial styles will enable students to examine and develop their own style of directing. Students then will apply this knowledge by directing selected scenes to gain practical experience in various styles and forms of plays commonly performed in church and academic settings.

DP 611 Graduate Dramatic Production Research Project (3) Offered on campus: Spring. Prereq.: DP 511. Under the supervision of the advisory faculty, the student will complete a thorough, original research project for the M.F.A. dramatic production.

DP 618 Scene Design and Stage Lighting (2) Offered on campus: Summer. Students choose a play to design and light. The design process from initial sketches to scale models of sets will be examined and applied. Students will also learn and apply lighting applications.

DP 619 Advanced Lighting Design (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. Prereq.: DP 618. Students develop advanced knowledge of the theory and practice of lighting design for the stage with an emphasis on script analysis and execution.

DP 641–642 Private Lessons in Productions (1 each) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring.

DP 644 Production Preparation (1) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. The student will prepare all elements of the production related to costuming, makeup, stage design, lighting, and sound in preparation for the graduate production.

DP 645 Performance Studio (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. Prereq.: DP 521 and IS 520. Under the direction of the dramatics faculty, the student will adapt from a biblical character or Christian biography a monologue or monodrama for a public performance.

DP 646 Graduate Production (2) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. The student will work with an instructor to develop all aspects of this capstone course. The student will produce an adapted script including designing, building, and lighting the set; auditioning; casting and directing; and developing costumes and makeup for the public performance.

DP 671, 672, 673 Practicum in Dramatic Production I, II, III (3 each) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. Students participate in the college production process in a significant area of responsibility.

DP 675 M.F.A. Dramatic Production (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring. Prereq.: DP 673 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in DP 619. As the culmination of the program, the student prepares a public, full-length play on a Bible character, missionary, or devoted Christian (historical or modern) under the advisement of the dramatics faculty. Following the production, the student will complete a written thesis and successfully pass an oral defense of the production and thesis.