Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Languages

Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Languages

Credit information

Credit hours: 30

Avg. years to finish: 2

$495.90 per credit hour (2024–2025)

$384.43 monthly cost for online class with payment plan (4 total payments, 3-credit class).

Study Options


  • Full Semesters
  • 8-week Sessions

On campus

  • On Campus, Full Semesters
  • On Campus, Short Sessions

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The purpose of this degree is to strengthen the full-time Christian worker or earnest layman who hungers for a greater knowledge of the Scriptures and to equip him for greater effectiveness in ministry.

This program focuses on God’s Word in the original languages. The biblical doctrines of inspiration and preservation are stressed to instill a loyalty to the Masoretic Text/Textus Receptus and a reverence for the accuracy and integrity of the Authorized Version (KJV). Students acquire and apply sound tools for studying the Scriptures and rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Learning Outcomes

You’ll be able to

  • demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the Word of God through expositional study.
  • offer a credible defense of sound doctrine.
  • integrate a greater understanding of Scripture into various ministry contexts.
  • evaluate current issues affecting ministry in light of biblical teaching.
  • translate God’s Word accurately from the original languages.

Biblical Languages requires at least two years of undergraduate Greek with a minimum grade of “C-”, and a bachelor's degree with a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA.

All Applicants Must Submit the Following:

For more information, see General Admission Requirements.

You can complete all your coursework 100% online, without ever being required to come to PCC.

Courses are also offered on campus during the fall and spring semesters and during short summer sessions (about 2 weeks each).

  • Short sessions on campus have start dates throughout the summer.
  • Online-learning sessions have multiple start dates throughout the fall, spring, and summer semesters.
  • On-campus semesters begin each fall and spring.

See the Calendar of Events for more information.

Your M.A. in Biblical Languages must be completed within 7 years.

Top FAQs

While you’ll get the same full-length lectures as on-campus students, they’re prerecorded in-classroom so you can fit them around your schedule. Every lecture will be available 24/7 on your easy-to-use online dashboard.

PCC accepts or rejects credits based on its own institutional criteria, regardless of whether or not the school transferring credit is accredited.

At least 50 percent of the total credits required for a graduate degree must be completed at PTS or PCC. For more details, see academic credit policies.

Feel free to take semesters off when you need to! If you take off 12 months or more between classes, though, you’ll be considered a reenrolling student and need to reapply. Also keep in mind you have 7 years to complete your degree.