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CJ 101 Introduction and Orientation to Criminal Justice (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Students will learn how the four components of the criminal justice system—police, courts, corrections, and community—interact. Students will also learn the history and philosophy of the criminal justice system in the United States. Contemporary issues related to the various components of the criminal justice system are also addressed. Required for CJ 106, 216, 217.
CJ 104 Organization and Management of Criminal Justice (3) Offered Fall, Spring. This course examines the operation, management, budgeting, recruiting, communication, training, and public relations in the criminal justice field. The student will demonstrate knowledge of management and leadership styles, group behavior, decision making, and the stresses that are unique to a law enforcement career. Required for CJ 406.
CJ 105 Theory of Patrol (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CJ 145; or criminal justice minor. This course presents a study of the purposes, methods, types, and means of law enforcement patrol. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the historical development of policing and functions of the patrol operation as well as procedures used in patrol. Required for CJ 145.
CJ 106 Basic Criminal Investigation (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CJ 101. Students will learn basic investigative concepts including the investigative method, interviewing, note taking, report writing, crime scene protection, and investigation. They will also demonstrate an understanding of crime scene photography, evidence collection, the forensic laboratory, and the chain of custody. They will analyze the investigative techniques of a few specific crimes and participate in a crime scene investigation.
CJ 108 Criminal Law (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Criminal justice major or minor or pre-law emphasis. This course examines the historical and philosophical foundations of criminal law in America along with its purpose and scope. Students will acquire an understanding of constitutional considerations with regard to criminal law, the elements of a crime, criminal liability and responsibility, use of force, criminal defenses, punishment, and general court procedures.
CJ 145 Traffic Control Practicum (1) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CJ 105. Students will gain practical experience in traffic-control techniques. Required for CJ 146.
CJ 146 Traffic Control Practicum (1) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: CJ 145. Students will gain experience in traffic-control techniques and develop leadership skills.
CJ 201 Dynamics of Human Behavior (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Sophomore or above. The students will learn the methods and procedures of studying human relationships and causal factors of behavior such as learning, motivation, emotion, and frustration. A view of the whole man in the light of the Scriptures is also taught. This course may be taken as a social science elective. Required for PS 409.
CJ 212 Criminal Procedure (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Criminal justice major or minor or pre-law emphasis; and sophomore or above. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the procedural process law enforcement officials must use from the beginning of the investigation of a crime through the outcome of the entire judiciary process. Topics include proper arrest, search, seizure, constitutional rights, and additional state provisions.
CJ 213 Juvenile Delinquency (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Sophomore or above. The student will acquire knowledge of the social, economic, political, and environmental influences on adolescents and the treatment of delinquent children. Special attention is given to juvenile crime and the role of criminal justice agencies in prevention and control. This course may be taken as a social science elective.
CJ 216 Criminology (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: CJ 101 and sophomore or above. Students will learn the theories of the classical and positive schools of criminology, including crime causation, behavioral dysfunction in society, nature and extent of crime in the United States, and the law as a means of social control.
CJ 217 Corrections (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: CJ 101 and sophomore or above. The students will examine the historical structure of corrections including probation, jails, prisons, parole, and the death penalty on the federal, state, and local levels. Management and treatment of convicted criminals is also addressed. Required for CJ 302.
CJ 302 Parole and Probation (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: CJ 217. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the history, purpose, philosophy, and process of parole and probation. The student will also demonstrate knowledge of the functions and objectives of the parole and probation systems administered by federal, state, and local criminal justice systems.
CJ 306 Criminal Justice Research (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EN 126; MA 121 or higher or placement into MA 130 or higher; and junior or senior criminal justice major or minor or pre-law emphasis. This course analyzes the logic, design, sampling, and data collection techniques involved in research methods in criminal justice. A study is presented to demonstrate how research is applied to the criminal justice system.
CJ 310 Rules of Evidence (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Junior or senior; criminal justice major or pre-law emphasis. This course examines the rules of evidentiary procedure and the development of evidentiary rules with specific attention on the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments. Students will demonstrate an understanding of legal terminology and court procedures in areas such as admissibility of evidence, standards of proof, witness testimony, and the presentation and order of legal arguments.
CJ 311 Security (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Criminal justice major or minor; and junior or senior in B.S. program or sophomore in A.S. program. This course demonstrates an overview of the private security systems as they relate to and function within the criminal justice system. The function of security in business, industry, and personal protection is studied. Administration, personnel, and physical aspects of the security field as well as their relation to current concerns of homeland security are also covered.
CJ 316 Emergency Management (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Junior or senior. This course provides an overview of the four stages of emergency management: preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. Students learn to identify and integrate federal, state, local, and private-sector resources. The roles and responsibilities of law enforcement and other officials in emergency management are also discussed. Students earn FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) certification.
CJ 322 Criminalistics (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Junior or senior. This course explains the field of forensic science as it relates to the criminal justice system. The student will study and practice evidence collection, preservation, and examination at the laboratory. The functions of various forensic specialists will be covered.
CJ 404 Victims in Criminal Justice (3) Offered Spring. Students examine and understand the needs, wants, expectations, and role of the victims of crime within the framework of the American criminal justice process. Contemporary victim-oriented programs are also examined and discussed.
CJ 406 Criminal Justice Administration (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: CJ 104 and junior or senior criminal justice major or minor. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the organizational, administrative, and financial aspects of the criminal justice system and how they function within each of the system’s three components: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Students also learn principles related to the management and decision-making processes of these components. In addition, they examine various budgeting methods for criminal justice administrators and issues unique to each component.
CJ 421 Criminal Justice Ethics (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Junior or senior criminal justice major or minor or pre-law emphasis. This course examines ethics in a criminal justice setting. The various philosophical perspectives that shape ethical decision making are discussed and examined. Students will thoroughly articulate their rationale for ethical decisions and demonstrate critical thinking skills through a variety of projects and exercises.
CJ 444, 445 Criminal Justice Practicum (1 each) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior criminal justice major; and approval from chair of humanities. Students will observe the operations of a criminal justice agency for a minimum of 40 hours. Students will be evaluated by field personnel based on their performance during the observation period.
CJ 446 Criminal Justice Practicum (2) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior criminal justice major; and approval from chair of humanities. Students will observe the operations of a criminal justice agency for a minimum of 80 hours. Students will be evaluated by field personnel based on their performance during the observation period.
CJ 448 Senior Criminal Justice Seminar (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Senior criminal justice major. This capstone seminar for graduating seniors is designed to synthesize the many facets of the criminal justice system while preparing students to find employment in the field of criminal justice. Students demonstrate knowledge of contemporary trends and legal issues exclusive to criminal justice.