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Important note

Courses that do not have a term notation are not offered on a set rotation. The number of semester credit hours which a course carries is listed in parentheses following the course title.

Prereq. for all EG courses is a major in engineering with electrical or mechanical concentration.

EG 103 Engineering Orientation (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” or concurrent enrollment in MA 131 or 221. Students explore various topics related to a career in engineering, including an introduction to solving engineering problems. Required for EG 201.

EG 106 Engineering Graphics (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Students learn to communicate engineering design through technical sketching, computer-aided drafting, and solid modeling. Students generate 2-D and 3-D part models, drawings, and assemblies using current industry-standard software. 1 hour lecture, plus lab. Required for ME 412.

EG 201 Materials Science (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in CH 111 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in EG 103. Students learn how processing affects a material's structure to create its mechanical and other properties for specific applications of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Required for ME 331, 412.

EG 205 Statics (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 221; and at least “C-” or concurrent enrollment in PY 231. Students learn the use of vector mechanics and the free-body diagram in the solution of systems of forces in equilibrium including trusses, friction, center of gravity, and moment of inertia. Required for EG 206, 208.

EG 206 Mechanics of Materials (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EG 205 and at least “C-” in MA 222 and PY 231. The student performs analysis of stress and strain, deformation, torsion, and loading in beams, connections, and columns. 3 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for ME 331, 412.

EG 208 Dynamics (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EG 205 and at least “C-” in MA 321 and PY 231. Students learn the application of vector mechanics to the solution of problems involving plane motion; force, mass, and acceleration; impulse and momentum; and work and energy. Required for ME 310, 331, 415.

EG 210 Programming for Engineers (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MA 131 or placement into MA 221. Students learn and apply the C programming language to solve engineering problems while developing skills in program design, coding, and debugging. Students will also learn basic MATLAB skills, including graphing. Required for EL 148, 354, 426; ME 405.

EG 321 Electrical Circuits (4) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 322 and PY 232. The student learns the relationships among current, voltage, and power in direct- and alternating-current circuits. 3 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EG 324, ME 422.

EG 324 Electrical Systems (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EG 321. Students learn the concepts of electromagnetic systems used in power systems and rotating machines as well as basic instrumentation design. 2 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for ME 405.

EG 341 Numerical Methods for Engineering (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 322. This course is designed to enable the student to use computer software in solving engineering problems involving six areas of mathematics: roots of equations, systems of linear algebraic equations, curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, and ordinary differential equations. This course may be taken as a mathematics elective by mathematics minor or teaching field.

EG 425 Engineering Economics and Professional Issues (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 220 or 221. Students learn principles and techniques used to make rational decisions about the acquisition and retirement of capital goods by industry and government in recognition of the time value of money. A strong emphasis will be placed on solving engineering economics problems. Professional issues are covered including ethics, professional communication skills, and social aspects of engineering practice.

Electrical Engineering

Prereq. for all EL courses is a concentration in electrical engineering.

EL 148 Introduction to Microprocessors (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in EG 210. Students learn the fundamental concepts of microprocessor architecture, basic computer organization, bus architecture, and the 8085 microprocessor instruction set. Students develop assembly language programs and compile to produce machine-level code to achieve assigned tasks. Students learn the role of software in controlling the hardware components of microprocessor-based systems with hands-on programming exercises. 2 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 347.

EL 223 Circuits I (4) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” or concurrent enrollment in MA 322. Students learn the fundamental concepts, units, network theorems, network simplification, and laws applied in DC circuit analysis. Passive and active circuit elements are introduced. Transient analysis of first- and second-order systems is presented. Circuit analysis using SPICE is introduced. The lab is an introduction to computer methods, instruments, devices, and measurements in electrical networks. 3 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 224.

EL 224 Circuits II (4) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in EL 223 and at least “C-” or concurrent enrollment in MA 322. Students apply differential equations, Laplace Transforms, and Fourier analysis to analyze and model circuits including transient analysis. Students also use phasor analysis to solve linear circuit problems, investigate resonance, analyze filters, and apply magnetic coupled circuits. Students take voltage, current, and power measurements and characterize various circuits. 3 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 326, 331, 341.

EL 326 Linear Systems (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EL 224 and at least “C-” in MA 322 and 326. This course teaches students to utilize Fourier Series, the Fourier Transform, Laplace Transforms, and Z-transforms to analyze continuous- and discrete-time linear systems in time and frequency domains. Required for EL 426, 445.

EL 331 Electromagnetic Fields (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EL 224 and at least “C-” in MA 321, 322, and PY 232. Students learn topics including vector analysis, static electric fields, energy and potential, static magnetic fields, and inductance. Required for EL 332.

EL 332 Electromagnetic Waves (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in EL 331. Students learn and apply Maxwell’s equations to electromagnetic wave propagation and reflection in various media, transmission lines, rectangular waveguides, optical waveguides, and antennas. 2 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 431.

EL 341 Electronics I (4) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EL 224 and at least “C-” in PY 232. Students learn basic semiconductor theory and application of electronic devices and circuits using diodes, bipolar transistors, and FETs. Single stage analog circuits are covered and digital circuits are introduced. 3 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 342, 347.

EL 342 Electronics II (4) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in EL 341. Students learn to apply small signal analysis and frequency response in designs of single- and multiple-stage amplifiers using BJTs and MOSFETs. Negative feedback and stability issues of amplifiers are introduced. 3 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 445, 446.

EL 347 Digital Logic Design (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EL 148 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in EL 341. Students learn advanced digital logic design using Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) in hierarchical modeling, gate-level modeling, dataflow modeling, behavioral modeling, and switch-level modeling. Students create HDL design and verification modules for combinational and sequential logic including finite-state machine (FSM) systems. Students design Rapid Prototyping of the combinational and sequential logic using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). Design project. 2 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 352, 354.

EL 352 C Programming for Electrical Engineers (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EL 347. Students learn C programming language to develop both general purpose programs and programs for hardware control in embedded microcontroller systems using common development tools. Required for EL 443.

EL 354 Embedded Systems (2) Offered Spring. (first offered spring 2026) Prereq.: At least “C-” in EG 210 and EL 347. Students develop programmable hardware systems that meet design specifications using applicable development tools, microcontrollers, and electronics. Required for EL 443.

EL 361, 461 Electrical Engineering Practicum (1 each) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior; electrical engineering concentration; and approval from chair of engineering and computer science. Students receive practical engineering experience in this elective course conducted for a minimum of 40 hours at an approved off-campus facility supervised by a practicing professional. Students are required to document their involvement and contemplate details related to problem solving, teamwork, current practice, and the flexibility observed in engineering scenarios. EL 361: required for EL 461.

EL 426 Automatic Control Systems (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EL 326. Students learn analysis and design of linear feedback systems along with mathematical modeling. Transfer functions and signal-flow graphs are presented. Both state variable analysis and time-domain analysis along with frequency-domain analysis and design of linear control systems are given. Design project.

EL 431 Power Systems (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EL 332. Students analyze and design balanced power systems including transmission lines and transmission networks in balanced fault situations. Students are introduced to circuit protection techniques and over-current device coordination. Transmission line design project.

EL 443 Electronics Design Lab (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EL 352, credit for or concurrent enrollment in EL 445, and senior. Students design, construct, and test subsystems typical in electronic equipment using modern design methods and electronic design automation tools in the context of the senior design project to be completed in EL 450. Typical subsystems included are microcontrollers, oscillators, amplifiers, and DC power supplies using analog and digital integrated circuits and discrete components. Students prepare project plans and requirements documents for their senior design project to be implemented in EL 450. Required for EL 450.

EL 445 Communication Systems (4) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EL 326 and 342. Students learn to evaluate and design communication systems utilizing Fourier and random-signal analysis along with the amplitude, frequency, pulse, pulse-code modulation and demodulation with multiplexing. Design project. 3 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for EL 443.

EL 446 Analog VLSI Design (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EL 342. Students learn the details of complementary-metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, CMOS fabrication, design methods, and physical implementation (layout) of analog CMOS integrated circuits using current simulation and layout tools for design verification. 2 hours lecture, plus lab.

EL 450 Electrical Engineering Design (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EL 443 and senior in last two semesters. A capstone design project is completed which integrates the coursework of the electrical engineering curriculum using modern design methods and tools. Design teams complete the design project for the project proposal approved in EL 443. Design project. 1 hour lecture, plus lab.

Mechanical Engineering

Prereq. for all ME courses is a concentration in mechanical engineering.

ME 301 Thermodynamics (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in PY 232. Students apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to the study of processes, engineering devices, and cycles and their effect on the properties of solids, liquids, and vapors. Required for ME 408, 409.

ME 308 Fluid Mechanics (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 321, 322, and PY 231. Students learn the laws of statics, buoyancy, stability, and energy and momentum as they apply to the behavior of ideal and real fluids. Required for ME 407, 408, 409.

ME 310 Kinematic Design of Planar Mechanisms (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EG 208. Students learn kinematic synthesis and design machine parts including linkages, cams, and gear trains. Position, velocity, and acceleration are evaluated by graphical and analytical methods.

ME 331 Manufacturing Engineering (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EG 201, 206, 208, and at least “C-” in MA 326. Students learn the manufacturing processes involved in converting raw materials into final products. Other related topics in manufacturing are addressed to prepare students as manufacturing professionals as well as for the Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT) certification.

ME 361, 461 Mechanical Engineering Practicum (1 each) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior; mechanical engineering concentration; and approval from chair of engineering and computer science. Students receive practical engineering experience in this elective course conducted for a minimum of 40 hours at an approved off-campus facility supervised by a practicing professional. Students are required to document their involvement and contemplate details related to technical competency, teamwork, communication, and professionalism observed in engineering scenarios. ME 361: required for ME 461.

ME 405 Automatic Control Systems (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EG 210 and 324. The student applies engineering principles to the analysis and design of mechanical control systems including the concepts of response, oscillation, and stability.

ME 407 Heat Transfer (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 322 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ME 308. Students learn to analyze heat transfer by the mechanisms of conduction, convection, and radiation. Required for ME 408, 409.

ME 408 Heat and Power Design Laboratory (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: ME 301 and 308; credit for or concurrent enrollment in ME 407. Students measure design parameters and determine operating points for selected thermal and mechanical systems. Students document operating experience with heat and power equipment and experimental evaluation of operational and performance characteristics under varied operating conditions.

ME 409 Design of Thermal Systems (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: ME 301 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ME 308 and 407. Students learn design principles for residential, commercial, and industrial energy systems—including heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration.

ME 412 Machine Design I (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EG 106, 201, and 206. Students apply the principles of mechanics of materials and materials science to the design and analysis of machine components and are introduced to finite element analysis software. Student teams begin the process of designing and building an electric-powered vehicle. 2 hours lecture, plus lab. Required for ME 413.

ME 413 Machine Design II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: ME 412. Students design and analyze machine components required in a power transmission system, with emphasis on designing to specification while preventing failure for different types of loading. Student teams complete the process of designing and building an electric-powered vehicle. Computer-aided design software is used for analysis and optimization. 2 hours lecture, plus lab.

ME 415 Vibrations (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EG 208 and at least “C-” in MA 322 and 326. Students learn the mathematical analysis of free and forced vibrations in mechanical systems. 2 hours lecture, plus lab.

ME 422 Circuits and Instrumentation Design Laboratory (1) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: EG 321. Students will solve design projects in the area of circuits and instrumentation. These projects include solving open-ended problems using the student’s creativity and modern design theory. Specifications will be formulated and alternative solutions will be evaluated. Economic and safety factors will be considered.

ME 442 Senior Mechanical Engineering Design (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Senior in last two semesters. This capstone design course consists of special topics for advanced students and emphasizes the use of the computer for solving open-ended design problems. Students form design teams and complete a comprehensive design project. Meets 4 hours a week.