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Courses that do not have a term notation are not offered on a set rotation. The number of semester credit hours which a course carries is listed in parentheses following the course title.

MA 099 Basic Mathematics (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Placement into MA 099. This course develops a practical appreciation for mathematics and promotes mastery of mathematical operations. Concepts from elementary algebra are introduced. Credit for MA 099 is not applicable toward math elective or graduation requirements. Required for MA 121, 123, 125, 212.

MA 121 College Algebra I (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 099 or placement into MA 121 or higher. Students learn about exponents, radicals, rational expressions, linear and quadratic equations, graphing techniques, algebraic functions, linear inequalities, systems of equations, and applications. MA 121 may not be taken as an MA elective by students with a secondary education mathematics concentration. Meets 4 hours a week. Required for BA 303, 322; CH 107, 111; CJ 306; CS 214; MA 130; NU 128, 203.

MA 123 College Algebra I (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Placement into MA 123 or higher. Students learn about exponents, radicals, rational expressions, linear and quadratic equations, graphing techniques, algebraic functions, linear inequalities, systems of equations, and applications. MA 123 may not be taken as an MA elective by students with a secondary education mathematics concentration. Required for BA 303, 322; CH 107, 111; CJ 306; CS 214; MA 130; NU 128, 203.

MA 125 Mathematics for Liberal Arts (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 099 or placement into MA 125 or higher. Students will learn problem-solving skills and topics related to algebra, geometry, mathematical logic, and statistics. MA 125 may not be taken as an MA elective by students with a secondary education mathematics concentration. Required for CJ 306, PL 407.

MA 130 College Algebra II (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 121 or 123 or placement into MA 130 or higher. Students learn about algebraic functions and equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear modeling, graphing techniques, and applications. Required for BA 304; MA 131, 220.

MA 131 College Trigonometry (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 130 or placement into MA 131 or higher. Students learn various methods of solving triangular problems. The analytical function of trigonometry is demonstrated through investigations of identities and simple equation solutions. The additional topics of matrices, sequences, and probability are discussed. Required for BY 442; EG 103, 210; MA 221, 224, 326; PY 211.

MA 212 Mathematics for the Secondary School (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 099 or placement into MA 121 or higher; and sophomore or above with mathematics teaching field. Students learn the basic topics included in general mathematics and algebra courses in the secondary school with emphasis on concept presentation and techniques of skill mastery. Required for SE 307.

MA 220 Business Calculus (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: MA 130 or placement into MA 131 or higher. Students learn about limits, differentiation, and integration with an emphasis on business applications. Required for EG 425.

MA 221 Calculus I (4) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 131 or placement into MA 221. Students learn introductory calculus topics through differentiation and integration of algebraic and transcendental functions, with applications. Required for EG 103, 205, 425; MA 222; PY 231; SE 307.

MA 222 Calculus II (4) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 221. Students learn properties and techniques of integration using algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of the definite integral to mathematics and physics, and properties of the convergence of infinite sequences and series. Required for EG 206; MA 241, 303, 321, 322, 407, 426; PY 232.

MA 224 Discrete Mathematics (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 131 or placement into MA 221. Students learn basic mathematical logic and proofs, number theory, graph theory, counting techniques, relations, combinatorics, and mathematical induction and recursion. Emphasis is placed on applying these concepts in computer science courses. Required for CS 431; MA 241, 302, 303, 400, 432, 441.

MA 241 Applied Linear Algebra (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: MA 224; or MA 222 and junior or senior electrical engineering concentration. Students learn about the properties of matrices and determinants, the algorithmic nature of linear algebra methods, Euclidean spaces, and linear transformations of two- and three-dimensional spaces with application to real world problems.

MA 299 Introduction to Research and Writing (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Sophomore or above. This course will introduce students to the most common tool for mathematical writing publication. Students will also learn how to read mathematics textbooks and literature and to communicate their mathematical ideas. MA 299 may not be taken as an MA elective. Required for MA 499.

MA 302 College Geometry (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: MA 224. Students demonstrate understanding of advanced Euclidean geometry with topics including circles, constructions, loci, polygons, triangles, congruence, and similarity. Required for SE 307.

MA 303 Linear Algebra (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: MA 222 and 224. Students learn about vector spaces, Euclidean spaces, the foundational propositions of linear algebra, matrices, and linear transformation with application to real world problems. Required for MA 405.

MA 321 Calculus III (4) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 222. Students learn about polar coordinates, improper integrals, vectors and solid analytic geometry, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals. Required for EG 208; EL 331; MA 343, 405, 432; ME 308.

MA 322 Differential Equations (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MA 222. Students learn the methods for solving differential equations of the first and second order; also, higher order equations and various methods of finding approximate solutions to differential equations are explained. Required for EG 321, 341; EL 223, 224, 326, 331; ME 308, 407, 415.

MA 326 Statistics (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Summer. Prereq.: MA 131 or placement into MA 221; and sophomore or above. This course emphasizes examples and problems chosen specifically for the business, science, and mathematics student. Although descriptive statistics is discussed, the primary concern is for students to master the concepts and techniques for statistical analyses used in inferential and predictive statistics. Required for CH 432; CS 376; EL 326; FN 447; MA 330, 426; ME 331, 415; MK 404.

MA 330 Quantitative Methods (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in BA 322 or MA 326. Students learn many commonly used quantitative management science techniques and the role they play in the decision-making process for businesses. Some of the techniques studied include decision analysis, sensitivity analysis, what-if sampling, utility in decision making, time series forecasting, linear programming models (both graphical and computer-based), and project scheduling with PERT/CPM. Students solve actual business problems using these techniques. Some qualitative methods for decision making are also discussed. Required for MN 411.

MA 343 Mathematics of Complex Variables (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: MA 321. Students learn about complex variables, analytic functions, complex integrals, power series, residues and poles, and applications of complex variables. Emphasis is placed on applying these concepts in engineering courses.

MA 400 History of Mathematics (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: MA 224. Students learn the history of mathematical discovery from ancient civilizations through the present, surveying the various philosophies that have driven mathematical thought. Emphasis is placed on the historical developments of major mathematical fields. MA 400 may not be taken as an MA elective.

MA 405 Geometry (3) Offered on campus: Spring odd; online: Summer. Prereq.: MA 303 and 321. Students will learn about spherical, hyperbolic, and projective geometries and will explore informal topological themes including symmetries, surfaces, and graphs.

MA 407 Applied Mathematics (3) Offered Spring even. Prereq.: MA 222. Students learn practical applications of mathematics to the physical world. This course is designed through the use of Excel, MATLAB, and other graphing utilities to show the usefulness of mathematics in solving problems that arise in the business, science, and social science communities.

MA 426 Mathematical Statistics (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: MA 222 and 326. The student will learn the foundational mathematical concepts necessary for advanced work in statistics. These concepts include probability, expectations, random variables, distributions, and moment-generating functions.

MA 432 Advanced Calculus (3) Offered Spring odd. Prereq.: MA 224 and 321. This course is designed to provide the mathematics student with a better understanding of first-year calculus through the study of the properties of real numbers and functions of real numbers, leading to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The topics covered include sequences, functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, Riemann sums, and integration.

MA 441 Abstract Algebra I (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: MA 224. Students learn about various number systems and the solvability of equations within these systems. The topics covered include binary operations, operation-preserving maps, groups, rings, fields, and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Required for MA 442.

MA 442 Abstract Algebra II (3) Offered Spring even. Prereq.: MA 441. Students learn additional properties of rings and fields with an emphasis on groups. Special attention is given to the application of groups and rings to topics from linear algebra.

MA 499 Mathematics Capstone Seminar (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: MA 299 and senior. This capstone course prepares students for research at the graduate or professional level. Students will synthesize learned knowledge and research of topical literature into a proposal to advance a mathematical idea or principle. MA 499 may not be taken as an MA elective.