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EN 099 Basic English Language (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Placement into EN 099. Students acquire understanding of the basic grammatical structure of English. This course will emphasize the correct use of words, phrases, and sentences. Credit for EN 099 is not applicable toward English elective or graduation requirements. Required for EN 121.
EN 121 English Grammar and Composition I (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: English placement exam or at least “C-” in EN 099. Students learn traditional grammar and mechanics. Additionally, students will learn how to write essays focusing on effective paragraphs, sentences, and diction. Meets 4 hours a week. Students must earn a minimum grade of “C-,” regardless of their major. Required for BA 220; EN 126, 360; NU 203.
EN 123 English Grammar and Composition I (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: English placement exam. Students learn traditional grammar and mechanics. Additionally, students will learn how to write essays focusing on effective paragraphs, sentences, and diction. Students must earn a minimum grade of “C-,” regardless of their major. Required for BA 220; EN 126, 360; NU 203.
EN 126 English Grammar and Composition II (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: At least “C-” in EN 121 or EN 123 or English placement exam. This course focuses on developing students’ ability to write persuasively and to conduct research. Students will write argumentative, researched essays and papers, focusing on effective content, organization, sentence structure, and diction. Students must earn a minimum grade of “C-,” regardless of their major. Required for BA 403; BL 101; CJ 306; CO 234; ED 220; EN 210, 251, 252, 291, 301, 360, 362, 430; HI 200; NU 203; PL 292; PW 301, 305, 325; SP 400.
EN 210 Introduction to Literature (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: EN 126. The student will be introduced to the worldview of major British and American authors and works from Beowulf to the twentieth century. The student will study the meaning, philosophy, literary qualities, and historical context of the works presented. Required for EN 251, 252, 307, 310, 312, 315, 318, 348, 402, 405, 414, 418; SP 447.
EN 251 British Literature (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: EN 210; or EN 126 and sophomore or above with a major, concentration, or teaching field in English. This course emphasizes the major authors and works from Beowulf to the modern era. Students will develop their literary analysis skills. Required for EN 291, 312, 315, 318, 348, 402, 405, 418, 423; SE 304.
EN 252 American Literature (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: EN 210; or EN 126 and sophomore or above with a major, concentration, or teaching field in English. This course emphasizes the major authors and works from the colonial period to the modern era. Students will develop their literary analysis skills. Required for EN 291, 307, 310, 348, 414; SE 304.
EN 291 Writing and Research in Literary Studies (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: EN 126, sophomore or above, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in EN 251 or 252. The students will learn to analyze literature while developing their research and writing skills.
EN 301 Creative Writing (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: EN 126. Students study and practice the tools of effective writing in areas of personal interest while maintaining a balance between creativity and adherence to standards for quality writing. Special attention is given to poetry, characterization, and other forms of imaginative writing. Required for PW 299, 331, 401, 408, 421, 422; SE 304.
EN 302 Copy Editing (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: EN 360. Students will learn how to edit their own writing and the writing of others by applying editing principles taught in this class. Required for PW 404, 406, 421, 422.
EN 307 American Romanticism (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: EN 210 or 252. This course focuses on major selections of American Romantic authors such as Hawthorne, Poe, Melville, Whitman, and others. Students will analyze each writer’s themes, philosophies, literary techniques, and structure as they gain an appreciation for each writer’s works.
EN 310 American Novel (3) Offered Spring even. Prereq.: EN 210 or 252. Students learn the development of the American novel through the study of philosophy, theme, characterization, and other literary characteristics as they read representative novels by Hawthorne, Twain, Howells, and others.
EN 312 Victorian Literature (3) Offered Spring even. Prereq.: EN 210 or 251. This course focuses on major poems, essays, and novels of the British Victorian Era. Students will analyze works for meaning, structure, literary techniques, and philosophy.
EN 315 Shakespeare (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: EN 210 or 251. Students will learn the essentials concerning the life and times of William Shakespeare and selected major plays (comedies, tragedies, and histories).
EN 318 English Romantic Poetry (3) Offered Spring odd. Prereq.: EN 210 or 251. Selections from prominent writers of the Romantic Era are studied for the purpose of understanding and appreciating their poetic styles and recognizing the philosophy of the Romantic Movement. The student will learn how to recognize literary themes and to interpret significant literary passages from a traditional Christian perspective.
EN 348 Late 19th–Mid 20th Century Poetry (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: EN 210; or EN 251 and 252. Students learn selected poetry of the late 19th through the mid-20th century including poems penned by William Butler Yeats, Robert Frost, and Wallace Stevens.
EN 360 Advanced English Grammar and Composition (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in EN 121 (or EN 123) and EN 126. This course provides a detailed study of traditional grammar and guides students in writing clear and graceful prose. Required for EN 302, PW 299, SE 304.
EN 362 History and Trends of the English Language (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in EN 126 and sophomore or above. This course provides an in-depth analysis of the history and trends of the English language. Students learn the history of the language, the importance of traditional grammar and usage, the philosophies of language, and the influence of trends on the language.
EN 402 British Novel (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: EN 210 or 251. This course focuses on the historical development of the English novel. The student will read and analyze novels by authors such as Austen, Conrad, and Dickens.
EN 405 Milton (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: EN 210 or 251. Students will learn the essentials concerning the life and times of John Milton and his representative poetry and prose. Special attention is given to Paradise Lost.
EN 414 American Realism (3) Offered Spring odd. Prereq.: EN 210 or 252. This course focuses on major works of American Realism from 1865–1920. Students will develop an appreciation for the literature of this era and analyze the selections for meaning, structure, literary techniques, and philosophy as they read and write about the selections.
EN 418 World Drama (3) Offered on campus: Fall; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: EN 210 or 251. This course provides an in-depth reading and interpretation of representative international dramas from ancient Greece to the twentieth century. The student will analyze the works’ themes, genre, philosophy, and dramatic techniques.
EN 423 The Classics of Western Literature (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: EN 210 or 251. The student will examine the major pieces of poetry, drama, and prose of Western civilization from the third century B.C. until the nineteenth century A.D.
EN 430 Writing for the Disciplines (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: EN 126 and senior interdisciplinary studies major in last two semesters. Students learn to adapt their writing to an audience, genre, or purpose within their discipline in order to communicate effectively. Students will further develop information literacy skills learned in earlier general education grammar and composition courses.
EN 431 Senior Humanities Research Project (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Senior humanities major. This capstone course is an independent study that enables the student to apply and synthesize skills in research, worldview, critical thinking, and writing emphasized in the humanities major.
EN 441 Senior Literature Research Project (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Senior literary studies concentration. This capstone course is an independent study that enables the student to apply and synthesize skills in writing, literary analysis, research, worldview, and critical thinking emphasized in the English major.