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Courses that do not have a term notation are not offered on a set rotation. The number of semester credit hours which a course carries is listed in parentheses following the course title.

HI 101 History of Civilization (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. This course is a survey of the major civilizations of the ancient and medieval world and their contributions to history. Concise histories of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, along with the development of Western civilization from the earliest writings of ancient man to the emergence of modern Europe from medieval culture serve to provide the student a panoramic view of history. Students learn the religious, political, legal, and cultural aspects of the ancient, medieval, and early modern world. Required for BB 411, 412; HI 200, 310, 403, 417.

HI 102 History of Civilization (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Beginning with an examination of the founding of the United States and its Constitution as contrasted with the French Revolution and its ramifications, this course traces the emergence of the modern world. Students learn the philosophies and current geopolitical trends that have helped to shape modern history. Required for BB 411, 412; HI 200, 310, 410, 411, 412, 424.

HI 199 Pre-Law Orientation (1) Offered Spring. Students explore various career fields of law and learn about the key components and timeline of the law school application process. HI 199 may not be taken as an HI elective.

HI 200 Introduction to Historical Studies (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: HI 101, 102, EN 126, and sophomore or above. Students gain knowledge in philosophy of history and develop skills in historiography, interpretive methodology, and historical writing. HI 200 may not be taken as an HI elective by students with a secondary education history concentration.

HI 201 United States History (3) Offered on campus: Fall; online: Interterm, Summer. This course is a detailed examination of America’s social, political, religious, and economic beginnings from the discovery of America through 1876. Students analyze the factors that have encouraged capitalism, free enterprise, nationalism, and the Christian faith. Required for HI 315, 318; SE 306.

HI 202 United States History (3) Offered on campus: Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Students examine developments in American society, politics, and foreign policy since the Civil War. Students also analyze distinctive features of the modern American nation using the biblical worldview. Required for HI 405, SE 306.

HI 211 World Geography (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Sophomore or above. The student will learn man’s relationship to his physical, cultural, economic, and political structures in the various regions of the world. This course may be taken as a social science elective. Required for SE 306.

HI 300 History and Principles of Free-Market Economics (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. The student will assess the principles of supply, demand, inflation, employment levels, financial institutions, fiscal and monetary policy, global markets, and economic theory from a free-market perspective. This course may be taken as a social science elective.

HI 310 History of England (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: HI 101 and 102. The student examines English history with emphasis upon the post-Reformation Era. Special attention is given to political and religious developments in England that have influenced American and world governments up to the present time.

HI 315 Colonial America (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: HI 201 and sophomore or above. Beginning with the discovery of the New World, this course examines the English settlement of North America. Students analyze the political development that ended in the War of Independence. Special treatment is given to the religious heritage of this period.

HI 318 American Westward Expansion (3) Offered Spring even. Prereq.: HI 201 and sophomore or above. Students learn of America’s westward expansion from 1790 to 1890 with an emphasis upon the significance of the frontier in America’s development as a nation.

HI 351 Pre-Law Internship (1) Offered Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: BA 201 and approval from chair of humanities. This internship of 40 hours provides an opportunity for the student to gain practical knowledge about a career in law or with an organization or firm that works directly with legal issues and/or policies.

HI 399 Pre-Law Seminar (1) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Junior or senior. This course provides an overview of the topics related to law school entry and basic law school curriculum. Students learn preparation strategies for the LSAT as well as the law school application process. HI 399 may not be taken as an HI elective.

HI 403 Medieval History (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: HI 101. This course provides a background for the understanding of the Renaissance, Reformation, and nation building in Europe. The student will be able to identify the major themes, events, and personalities that influenced medieval history.

HI 405 America since 1900 (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: HI 202. The student will analyze the role of the United States in world affairs from the Spanish-American War to the present. The political, religious, and cultural relationships are viewed in relation to present-day America.

HI 410 Europe in the Nineteenth Century (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: HI 102. The course of Europe from the days of the French Revolution to the advent of war in 1914 is studied. Students learn major areas including the romantic movement, the Industrial Revolution, the rise of liberalism in several areas, and the military development of the nineteenth century.

HI 411 World History since 1900 (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: HI 102. This course presents a study of world history from the turn of the twentieth century through World War II. Students analyze ideas and philosophies that have affected the course of modern history.

HI 412 World History since 1900 (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: HI 102. This course presents a study of world history beginning with the conclusion of World War II and continuing to the present. Students discuss the roles of Europe, the United States, and the Third World in recent historical events.

HI 417 Greco-Roman History (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: HI 101. This course examines the overwhelming influence of Greek and Roman culture on Western civilizations. The student identifies the results of the politics and philosophy that dominated the era.

HI 424 The Developing World (3) Offered Spring odd. Prereq.: HI 102. Students learn the history of Latin America, Africa, and Asia, with an emphasis on the modern period since World War II. The challenges and opportunities that face these regions will be considered from the biblical worldview leading to a greater appreciation of the relationship with the postindustrial world.

HI 441 Senior History Research Project (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Senior history major. This capstone course is an independent study that enables the student to apply and synthesize skills in writing, historical analysis, research, worldview, and critical thinking emphasized in the history major.