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MU 100 Foundations of Church Music (4) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Open to all students except those with a music major, minor, or teaching field. In this foundational course for the church musician, students will learn basic theory concepts and songleading techniques. Students will also examine a variety of music issues. Required for MU 226, 300.
MU 101 Music Theory I (4) Offered Fall, Spring. The student gains a practical approach to the study of music fundamentals, including major and minor keys, scales, rhythm and meter, intervals, triads and seventh chords in all inversions. The student learns basic principles of voice leading through part-writing exercises in root position. Frequent aural exercises develop the student’s listening skills and encourage sensitivity to harmonic function. Meets 5 hours a week. Required for MU 102.
MU 102 Music Theory II (4) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 101 or music theory placement exam. The student builds on music fundamentals, including cadences, non-harmonic tones, and phrase analysis. The student learns to apply these principles through part-writing using triads and dominant seventh-chords in all inversions, analyzing harmony and form, and harmonizing melodies. Frequent aural exercises continue to develop the student’s listening skills and encourage sensitivity to harmonic function. Meets 5 hours a week. Required for MU 201, 226, 307, 308, 410; PI 261.
MU 105–106 Beginning Hymnplaying (1) Offered MU 105: Fall. MU 106: Spring. Prereq. for MU 105: Audition; prereq. for MU 106: Audition or at least “C-” in MU 105. These courses develop skills needed by a church pianist. Students learn how to accompany congregational singing using chording and improvisation in a traditional, evangelistic-style of playing. Students also learn piano solos suitable for offertories and perform them in class. MU 105: required for MU 106. MU 106: required for MU 205.
MU 116–417 Musical Workshop (1) Prereq.: Audition. Students develop individual roles while learning to interact in the theatrical environment. Coursework culminates in a public performance. Required for MU 117, each level required for the next one.
MU 118–419 Opera Workshop (1 each) Prereq.: Audition. Students develop individual roles while learning to interact in the theatrical environment. Coursework culminates in a public performance. Required for MU 119, each level required for the next one.
MU 121–122 Vocal Class I, II (1 each) Offered MU 121: Fall. MU 122: Spring. Prereq. for MU 121: Music placement test; prereq. for MU 122: MU 121. Open to all students except vocal music major, teaching field, or minor. Students learn the fundamentals of good vocal technique, communication, practice, and performance. Students demonstrate their progress through regular class workshops and performances. Meets 3 hours a week. MU 121: required for MU 122. MU 122: required for VO 231.
MU 145–146 Choral Workshop (1 each) Prereq.: Audition. The student joins a choir that is created for a graduate music student with conducting proficiency. Rehearsals involve preparation for the student’s graduate choral conducting recital. This course does not meet undergraduate ensemble requirements.
MU 161–462 Chamber Music (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. This course allows music students the opportunity to perform an array of literature from sacred to classical in a variety of performance situations. Required for MU 162, each level required for the next one.
MU 201 Music Theory III (4) Offered Fall. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 102 or music theory placement exam. The student learns music fundamentals, including melodic form, seventh chords, secondary dominant and secondary leading tone chords, and methods of modulation. Students learn to apply these principles through part-writing, harmonic analysis, and composition. Frequent aural exercises continue to develop the student’s listening skills and encourage sensitivity to harmonic function. Meets 5 hours a week. Required for MU 202, 301, 310, 337, 418.
MU 202 Music Theory IV (4) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 201. The student learns the musical styles and harmonies seen in 18th century composition. Students will complete exercises in counterpoint, classical style, chromatic harmony, modal change, and methods of modulation. Frequent aural exercises continue to develop the student’s listening skills and encourage sensitivity to harmonic function. Meets 5 hours a week. Required for MU 329, 401.
MU 205–206 Intermediate Hymnplaying (1 each) Offered MU 205: Fall. MU 206: Spring. Prereq.: Audition. These courses continue to build on skills learned in Beginning Hymnplaying, including modulation and transposition. Students will continue to develop skills for congregational playing, offertories, and accompanying for vocal solos. They will learn basic arranging techniques to create original piano solos. MU 205: required for MU 206. MU 206: required for MU 325.
MU 213 Appreciation of Fine Arts (3) Offered Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Students learn an overview of the basic elements and historical periods of Western art and music, principal artists and composers of those eras, and biblical principles for the development of a Christian philosophy of the arts.
MU 214 Principles of Lyric Diction (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: VO 122. Students will continue to learn lyric diction principles including those for German and French languages. Emphasis is placed on the student’s ability to correctly use the International Phonetic Alphabet in pronunciation.
MU 226 Choral Methods (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 100 or 102. The student will learn choral conducting techniques, principles of score study, and how to effectively rehearse a chorus. Required for CD 137; MU 272, 315.
MU 230 Piano Accompanying (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Music major, minor, or teaching field with keyboard emphasis. Pianists are instructed in accompanying techniques with emphasis given to the distinctions between accompanying for an instrumentalist, a vocalist, and a choir. Students are guided in arranging original piano accompaniments and given the opportunity to accompany within the class. Required for PI 151.
MU 231 Piano Accompaniment (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: PI 212 or piano secondary proficiency exam. Students are instructed in basic accompaniment techniques, guided in arranging original piano accompaniment, and given the opportunity to accompany within the class. Students are also assigned to prepare choral accompaniments.
MU 233–234 Hymn Keyboard Skills I and II (2 each) Offered MU 233: Fall. MU 234: Spring. Prereq. for MU 233: PI 122 or 132; prereq. for MU 234: MU 233. Students apply the art of improvisation as it relates to keyboard accompanying in the church. The topics covered include congregational hymn playing and vocal accompanying and arranging piano preludes and offertories. Traditional hymn-playing principles are applied to a variety of hymns and gospel songs. Required for MU 234.
MU 272 Choral Conducting (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: MU 226 and choral conducting emphasis. The student develops conducting technique and learns how to achieve a good choral sound especially in the areas of blend, balance, intonation, and articulation. Required for MU 371.
MU 300 Methods and Materials for the Church Musician (2) Offered Spring odd. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 100. Students examine the principal theory, procedures, and basic methods used in giving private music instruction.
MU 301 History of Music (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: MU 201. This course provides a survey of Western music from ancient to Baroque with an emphasis on major composers and their works. Students will apply their knowledge through lecture, listening, and research. Required for MU 302.
MU 302 History of Music (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: MU 301. This course provides a survey of Western music from Galant to modern times with an emphasis on major composers and their works. Students will apply their knowledge through lecture, listening, and research.
MU 307 Woodwind Methods (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: MU 102 and sophomore or above. Students acquire basic performance and teaching fundamentals of woodwind instruments, which is especially helpful for prospective teachers.
MU 308 Strings Methods (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: MU 102 and sophomore or above. Students learn what is necessary to develop and maintain a strings program through instruction in purchasing instruments, making small repairs, creating fingerings and bowings, and comparing strings method books.
MU 310 Choral Writing and Arranging (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 201. Students learn the techniques of writing and arranging church and secular music for various vocal combinations.
MU 312 Instrumental Materials and Methods (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform. Students learn how to establish band and orchestra programs and gain practical experience in teaching individual music lessons and instrumental ensembles. Required for ED 450.
MU 313 Communication in Song (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: VO 221 or 231. This course presents the principles and techniques of communicating the text and interpreting the meanings of music. The emphasis is on the music used in ministry. Students prepare and perform songs in class under faculty guidance.
MU 315 Elements of Conducting (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: MU 226. The student will learn instrumental directing techniques, principles of score study, and how to effectively rehearse a band and orchestra. Required for MU 446.
MU 325–326, 425–426 Advanced Hymnplaying (1 each) Prereq.: Audition. These courses prepare the student to fulfill the role of a church pianist. Students learn advanced hymn techniques, prepare traditional style accompaniments for congregational singing and vocal solos, and arrange a variety of songs for preludes and offertories. Required for MU 326, each level required for the next one.
MU 327 Voice Materials and Methods (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform. Students learn various approaches for teaching voice, practical teaching methods, and vocal terminology. Students observe lessons and teach lessons under faculty guidance. Required for ED 450.
MU 329 Advanced Music Theory (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 202. Students analyze post-tonal repertoire through a survey of twentieth-century compositional styles. Advanced musicianship exercises and analysis will address aspects of pitch-class set and serial theory, as well as other techniques developed by contemporary composers. Meets 3 hours a week.
MU 335 Piano Materials and Methods (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform. Students learn concepts and methodology for successful private and group piano teaching at the elementary level. Students demonstrate their knowledge by teaching an adult beginner. Required for ED 450, MU 336.
MU 336 Piano Materials and Methods (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 335. Students learn successful private and group piano teaching at the intermediate level. Students demonstrate their knowledge by teaching an adult beginner.
MU 337 Instrumental Church Music Arranging (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: MU 201. Students craft effective and creative solo and ensemble instrumental arrangements, both accompanied and unaccompanied, and at various skill levels, for the church service setting.
MU 371 Choral Conducting (1) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform, MU 272, and choral conducting emphasis. The student continues to develop conducting technique and learns how to achieve a good choral sound especially in the areas of blend, balance, intonation, and articulation. Meets 3 hours a week. Required for CD 322, MU 391.
MU 401 Counterpoint (2) Offered Spring odd. Prereq.: MU 202. The student will study contrapuntal techniques used in the eighteenth century and apply them through writing of species counterpoint and formal analysis of invention and fugue.
MU 402 Church Music Philosophy and Administration (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Junior or senior. The implementation of administrative guidelines for the total music program of a church is discussed. Students will examine topics including church music philosophy, planning, budgeting, program goals, church music education, promotion, and worship leadership.
MU 410 Brass and Percussion Methods (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: MU 102. The student gains a basic knowledge of the principles of performing and teaching brass and percussion instruments.
MU 418 Orchestration (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in MU 201. Students receive practice in scoring music for various instruments for practical situations, such as school bands and orchestras. The ranges and limitations of various instruments are also learned.
MU 441 Survey of Instrumental Literature (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform. Students learn to identify style characteristics, important composers, their compositional styles, and representative works through a survey of etudes, solos, and chamber repertoire for the various brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments.
MU 443 Survey of Piano Literature (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform. Students learn to identify style characteristics, important composers, their compositional styles, and representative works for solo piano from the late seventeenth century through the present.
MU 445 Survey of Song Literature (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform. Students learn to identify style characteristics, important composers, their compositional styles, and representative works of English, German, French, and Italian art song literature.
MU 446 Instrumental Conducting (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: MU 315. Students develop the techniques necessary for conducting band, orchestra, or other instrumental ensembles and further their experience with the orchestral repertoire.
MU 447 Survey of String Literature (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: Sophomore music platform. Students learn to identify style characteristics, important composers, their compositional styles, and representative works through a survey of etudes, solos, and chamber repertoire for the various string instruments.
Private music for music majors: Coreq.: Music repertoire is required for all students enrolled in 200-level or higher. Sophomore Music Platform must be passed to officially become a music major. One credit hour is received per semester.
Recital: A recital is required of all music majors and will be presented under the direction of the music faculty during the senior year.
Private music for non-music majors: One credit hour per semester (if space is available).
Class music instruction: Open for non-music majors; placement test is required and students are grouped as to ability at the discretion of the music department. One credit hour is received per semester.
Music (non-MU)
CC 131–432 College Choir (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. The College Choir prepares songs for presentation in Campus Church each Sunday evening. Students sharpen sight reading, communication, and choral singing skills while praising the Lord in song. Meets 3 times a week. Required for CC 132, each level required for the next one.
CC 141–442 Voices of PCC (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. The Voices of PCC is an iconic vocal group composed of approximately 20 members that performs for PCC music videos, Student Body programs, Christmas Lights Celebration, and various other events. Meets 2 times a week. Required for CC 142, each level required for the next one.
CC 151–452 Symphonic Choir (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. This choir is comprised of approximately 50–70 students, who are exposed to a variety of choral selections of classical literature, as well as folk songs and spirituals. Students perform for choral concerts. This course may fulfill ensemble requirements for voice majors and minors. Meets 3 times a week. Required for CC 152, each level required for the next one.
CE 351–454 Chamber Ensemble (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. The Chamber Ensemble is a small chorus of approximately 30 members that performs for choral concerts and other occasions. This course may fulfill ensemble requirements for all voice majors and minors. Meets 3 times a week. Required for CE 352, each level required for the next one.
ES 131–432 Proclaim Ministry—Vocal (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. The Proclaim Ministry Teams prepare a concert of church music for presentation in Bible-believing churches and Christian schools. Students sharpen communication skills while gaining valuable experience in church ministry activities. Requires Interterm and summer involvement. Required for ES 132, each level required for the next one.
PC 151–452 Handbell Choir (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. The Handbell Choir is a bell choir of approximately 13 ringers that performs for Handbell Concerts and other occasions. Required for PC 152, each level required for the next one.
PI 101–202 Piano Class (1 each) Offered PI 101, 201: Fall. PI 102, 202: Spring. Prereq.: Audition. These courses are designed for students with little or no keyboard skill. Students learn rhythm, sight-reading, scales, and perform classical and church music pieces from beginning through intermediate repertoire. Students are grouped according to ability. Required for PI 102, each level required for the next one.
PI 111–212 Secondary Piano (1 each) Offered PI 111, 211: Fall. PI 112, 212: Spring. Prereq.: Music placement test and music or music education major with instrument, voice, or choral conducting emphasis; each level requires the preceding one. This series of courses is designed to give the vocal or instrumental major skill at the keyboard. Students learn scales, transposition, harmonization, four-part hymns, and classical works. During the last semester of study, emphasis is given to accompanying a performer in his/her proficiency. Students are grouped according to ability. PI 111: required for PI 112, each level required for the next one. PI 212: required for MU 231.
PI 151–452 Accompaniment Practicum (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: MU 230 or accompanying placement test; and Music Course Permit; each level requires the preceding one. The student gains practical experience accompanying vocalists and/or instrumentalists at least 2 hours per week. Required for PI 152, each level required for the next one.
PI 205–206 Advanced Piano Techniques (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq. for PI 205: PI 122 or 132; prereq. for PI 206: PI 205. These courses are resources for the intermediate and advanced pianist who desires freedom, control, and longevity in playing the piano. Through a series of sequenced exercises, the student develops his fingers and learns how to use relaxation and arm balance techniques. Required for PI 206.
PI 261–262 Piano Tuning and Repair (1 each) Offered PI 261: Fall. PI 262: Spring. Prereq. for PI 261: MU 102 or permission of instructor; prereq. for PI 262: PI 261. Beginning with a survey of piano construction and nomenclature, students will examine an overview of both electronic and aural tuning methods, hands-on practice in tuning techniques, and an introduction to upright regulation and common repairs. Required for PI 262.
SB 131–432 Symphonic Band (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. Symphonic Band offers any student with an instrumental proficiency the opportunity to use his performance skills in a variety of performing situations. Symphonic Band members perform a variety of band literature including standard band repertoire. Members of the Symphonic Band also have the opportunity to participate in the Eagles Pep Band. Required for SB 132, each level required for the next one.
ST 141–442 Orchestra (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Audition. The orchestra is open to students with an orchestral instrument proficiency. The orchestra presents a classical concert every semester. Other potential opportunities include performing with choral groups, participating in seasonal productions, and accompanying musical stage productions. Required for ST 142, each level required for the next one.
ST 201 Strings Instruction I (1) Offered Fall. Strings Instruction I is the introductory course for the four-semester program utilizing the Jaffé Strings Method. Students learn to play one of the standard stringed instruments in an orchestra setting. Required for ST 202.
ST 202 Strings Instruction II (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: ST 201. This course is a continuation of ST 201 with an emphasis on ensemble playing. Students learn tone quality, interpretation and style of classical music, and future development of technical skills. Required for ST 301.
ST 301–302 Strings Instruction III, IV (1 each) Offered ST 301: Fall. ST 302: Spring. Prereq. for ST 301: ST 202; prereq. for ST 302: ST 301. This course is a continuation of the Jaffé Strings Method. Students receive continued development of individual techniques such as tone production, vibrato, martelé, and detaché bowings, and shifting through fourth position. This development is accomplished through arrangements of classical and church music. Required for ST 302.
VO 121 Vocal Instruction (1) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Vocal music major, teaching field, or minor, or choral conducting emphasis. Students will learn the fundamentals of good vocal technique, communication, practice, and performance. Students demonstrate their progress through class workshops and additional assignments. Required for VO 122.
VO 122 Vocal Instruction (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in VO 121. Students will continue to learn foundational principles of good vocal technique, focusing on English and Italian diction for singing and performance through use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Students demonstrate their progress through class assignments and performances. Required for MU 214; VO 221, 231.