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OA 101 Beginning Keyboarding (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Students learn the touch system of keyboarding and develop straight-copy accuracy and speed using correct keyboarding techniques. Students also type basic business documents. Required for OA 150, SE 313.
OA 150 Keyboarding Speed/Accuracy Development (1) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: OA 101, or satisfactory performance on keyboarding placement exam. Students will improve their speed and accuracy in keyboarding skills by (a) learning correct keyboarding techniques, (b) completing individualized speed and accuracy assignments, and (c) measuring personal achievement through weekly 5-minute timed writings. Required for OA 201, 250.
OA 201 Document Processing (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: CS 101; and credit for or concurrent enrollment in OA 150. Students develop proofreading skills and efficiently produce business letters, reports, and tables in mailable form. Foundational document design concepts are also discussed. Required for OA 250, 301, 318; SE 313.
OA 210 Records Management (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Students will learn procedures and ARMA rules for indexing and storing documents in alphabetic, numeric, geographic, and subject systems. Applications include electronic storage/retrieval and processing correspondence for each filing method.
OA 213 Survey of Accounting (3) Offered Fall. Students will learn a practical approach to preparing journal entries, adjusting entries, closing entries, and formal financial statements along with banking procedures and control of cash. Ten-key skills are developed. Required for OA 214.
OA 214 Survey of Accounting (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in AC 231 or OA 213. Students will learn payroll and journalizing of various business activities. Sample office situations with accounting software provide a practical approach to bookkeeping. Ten-key skills are developed.
OA 221 Anatomical Terminology I (3) Offered Fall, Spring. The student will demonstrate basic knowledge of biology and its terminology as it relates to the medical profession. Special emphasis is given to the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of terminology, including related pharmacological terms. Students will also learn to use combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes to identify and build new medical terms. Required for OA 222.
OA 222 Anatomical Terminology II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: OA 221. The students will develop a knowledge of anatomy, anatomical terminology, and understanding of the functions of the human body. Special emphasis is given to the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of terminology. Required for OA 324.
OA 226 Medical Terminology for the Office Professions (1) Offered Spring. The students will learn a basic knowledge of medical terminology limited to the practice of clinical medicine, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Special emphasis is given to the medical language commonly used in the history and physical portion of office reports and medical records. Required for OA 324.
OA 250 Keyboarding Speed/Accuracy Development (1) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: OA 201. Students will improve their speed and accuracy in keyboarding skills by (a) learning correct keyboarding techniques, (b) completing individualized speed and accuracy assignments, and (c) measuring personal achievement through weekly 5-minute timed writings. Required for OA 301.
OA 301 Applied Office Technology (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: BA 220, 330, at least “C-” in OA 201, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in OA 250. Students continue developing proofreading skills and learn advanced document processing skills using Microsoft Word. Students will also develop basic skills in Microsoft Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams with an emphasis on integrating all Microsoft Office applications.
OA 318 Office Procedures (3) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: BA 220, OA 201, and any office administration or systems concentration. In this course, students develop an understanding of the principles and practices used in an office setting including work ethics, general office procedures, professional image, ergonomics, meeting planning, and travel arrangements.
OA 322 Fundamentals of Medical Insurance, Billing, and Coding (3) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Sophomore or above. Students will learn foundational principles related to third-party insurance, the ICD-10-CM and CPT coding systems, and patient accounting and billing software. Required for OA 326, 327, 329.
OA 324 Healthcare Documentation and Medical Transcription I (4) Offered Fall. Prereq.: BA 220, OA 222, 226 and medical office administration or medical office systems concentration. Students develop transcription skills by accurately transcribing a variety of medical dictation while correctly using medical terminology, AAMT transcription guidelines, and proofreading skills. Students also gain practical experience transcribing medical reports that are dictated in different accents to simulate an actual medical office environment. Required for OA 424.
OA 326 Medical Insurance and Billing (3) Offered Spring. Students will learn principles and practices related to government and private insurance companies on behalf of clients.
OA 327 Diagnosis Coding (3) Offered Fall even. Prereq.: At least “C-” in OA 322. Students will learn the ICD-10-CM coding system to assign diagnostic codes for diseases and conditions for optimal reimbursement for healthcare providers.
OA 329 Procedural Coding (3) Offered Fall odd. Prereq.: At least “C-” in OA 322. Students will apply CPT coding guidelines to report medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services to insurance companies for optimal reimbursement for healthcare providers.
OA 408 Office Practicum (1) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq.: Senior office administration concentration and approval from chair of business. Students will observe and experience various office duties in an approved off-campus business for a minimum of 40 hours.
OA 411 Desktop Publishing (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: At least “C-” in CS 101; and junior or senior, or office systems concentration in last semester. Students gain hands-on experience using desktop publishing software to create professional business documents such as business cards, brochures, and newsletters. Additionally, students learn design principles and basic photo-editing concepts and apply those concepts to their documents.
OA 418 Office Administration (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Junior or senior with a four-year concentration in office or medical office administration. Students learn the functions of management, effective office-management principles, employment laws, leadership decision-making, and office design. Special emphasis is given to project management.
OA 424 Healthcare Documentation and Medical Transcription II (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: OA 324. Students transcribe a variety of specialty medical reports from actual physician dictation while improving transcription accuracy and speed. This course further prepares students to take the Association for Healthcare Document Integrity (AHDI) registration examination.
OA 428 Medical Office Practicum (1) Offered Both sem., Interterm, and Summer. Prereq.: Senior medical office administration concentration and approval from chair of business. Students will observe and experience various office duties in an approved off-campus medical office setting for a minimum of 40 hours.