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Important note

Courses that do not have a term notation are not offered on a set rotation. The number of semester credit hours which a course carries is listed in parentheses following the course title.

PR 101–402 Ministerial Seminar (1 each) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Ministerial student; each level requires the preceding one. This course involves lectures on the more practical aspects of Christian work as perceived by visiting pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and mature, experienced Christians. It also includes a ministerial lab where the student prepares and delivers Bible messages. The course is designed to enrich and develop the student’s background for Christian service. Meets 2 hours a week. Required for PR 102, each level required for the next one.

PR 204, 304, 404 Bible and Practical Ministry (1 each) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Each level requires the preceding one. The course includes Bible reading, readings in Christian books, and field experience. This course covers a period of 10 weeks, and each student must submit detailed weekly reports. MI 207 may be taken in place of PR 404. Required for PR 304, each level required for the next one.

PR 214 Church Organization and Administration (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Male Bible major. This practical course allows the student to learn how to organize the local church from the standpoint of the pastor and his staff. Topics on pastoral theology and pastoral administration are covered as well as the administration of the various Christian education ministries. Special emphasis is given to the application of biblical principles to the daily administration of local church operations.

PR 224 Media in Ministry (3) Offered Spring. Students learn a biblical philosophy and strategy for using digital technology in church ministry, including data infrastructure, software, social media, audio, and video.

PR 240 Evangelism and Discipleship (2) Offered Fall, Spring. This course will equip the student to present the gospel and to disciple a new believer. The class will focus on the biblical foundation for and the verbal communication of the gospel, the biblical content and methodology of discipleship, and the development of evangelism and discipleship strategies in a local church context.

PR 262 Introduction to Biblical Counseling (1) Offered Fall, Spring. In this course, the student learns the foundational elements of biblical counseling. A comparison is made between the historical psychological models of counseling and the biblical counseling model. An emphasis is placed on recognizing the sufficiency of Scripture in counseling. Required for PR 352, 354, 355, 356.

PR 306 Interpersonal Relationships (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. The Christian’s successful relationship with God, his family, his employer/employees, his fellow workers, and other people with whom he comes in contact are dealt with in this course. A special emphasis is given to the student’s ability to practically apply the scriptural principles relating to human relationships. This course may be taken as a social science elective.

PR 312 Youth Ministry (2) Offered Spring. Students learn a biblical philosophy of youth ministry, recognize the key characteristics and needs of teens and children, and develop practical methods of reaching and teaching them. Required for PR 420.

PR 314 Church Business (1) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Junior or senior male Bible major. This course allows students to become proficient in applying biblical principles to the financial operation of the local church. Financial management topics include budgeting, running business meetings, managing debt, incorporation, and establishing personnel policies.

PR 315 Homiletics I (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in SP 201, and junior or senior ministerial student. A study of the preparation and delivery of sermons that includes the foundational elements of sermon structure, development, and effective delivery. The techniques and styles of pulpit exhortation are studied. Outlining and organizational methods are explored. Required for PR 316.

PR 316 Homiletics II (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: PR 315. A study of the careful and diligent preparation of the various types of sermons. The student is given preaching opportunities that increase his ability to deliver messages to an audience. The art of objectively assessing the strong and weak qualities of preaching is emphasized.

PR 317 Pastoral Internship Practicum (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior ministerial student and approval from the Ministerial Internship Coordinator. This practicum is 12 weeks long. Students receive practical training in the pastoral ministry by working with an experienced pastor in the field.

PR 320 Baptist Polity (1) Offered Fall. Prereq.: BI 321, 322, and senior. This course presents the historic principles and practices of Baptist churches, noting the nature of the Church, its membership, ministry, officers, ordinances, worship, witness, and discipline. A brief history of the Baptists is included in this overview of how Baptist churches are governed. Students prepare a personal doctrinal statement.

PR 327 Church Ministries Internship (1) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: Sophomore or above. This course is designed to involve the student in a practical internship within Campus Church. The student will observe the ministries of Campus Church, documenting procedures and operations of each ministry in a personal journal. Required for PR 328.

PR 328 Church Ministries Internship (1) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: PR 327. This course is a continuation of the internship started in PR 327. Students will participate in a hands-on internship in Campus Church ministries.

PR 341 Evangelism Practicum (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Approval from chair of Bible. The student may choose one of the following options to earn credit for this course: (1) working a summer at the various camps on PCC’s campus, (2) traveling one summer with a PCC Proclaim Ministry Team as a student speaker, or (3) assisting a pastor with the setup and follow through for evangelistic meetings in a local church. Required for PR 344.

PR 342 Evangelism Practicum (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Approval from chair of Bible. This practicum involves on-the-job evangelistic training. The student spends the summer working in practical evangelism at the various camps on PCC’s campus. Required for PR 344.

PR 344 Evangelism Practicum (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: PR 341, 342, and approval from chair of Bible. The purpose of this practicum is to provide additional training and experience in evangelism. The student may complete this practicum by working a summer at the various camps on PCC’s campus.

PR 352 Biblical Counseling for Men (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Men only; PR 262. Students examine common counseling issues relating to men and learn the biblical approach to the counseling process. This course emphasizes the sufficiency of Scripture in counseling.

PR 354 Biblical Counseling for Women (2) Offered Spring. Prereq.: Women only; PR 262. Students examine common counseling issues relating to women and learn the biblical approach to the counseling process. This course emphasizes the sufficiency of Scripture in counseling.

PR 355 The Biblical Counselor (2) Offered Fall. Prereq.: PR 262. The student will learn the personal and spiritual qualifications necessary to be an effective biblical counselor. Emphasis will be placed on personal spiritual growth and maturity and the discipleship mentality needed for counseling applications.

PR 356 Counseling Problems and Procedures (3) Offered Spring. Prereq.: BI 327 and PR 262. The student will learn the practical application of the theory and theology of biblical counseling.

PR 406 Missionary Assistance Program (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Approval from chair of Bible. This course requires the student to travel to a particular mission field and to work as an aid to experienced missionaries on that field. Through hands-on training, the student will gain practical experience in preparation for the mission field.

PR 407 Christian Camp Counseling (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Approval from chair of Bible. Practical experience working in a Christian camp provides the student with an understanding of how to deal with the problems of Christian youth.

PR 411 Biblical Ethics (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior. Students develop a distinctively biblical perspective of ethics. With a foundation in biblical critical thinking, students will learn to apply the absolute truths revealed in the laws and principles of God's Word to a variety of topics pertinent to contemporary society. This course may be taken as a social science elective.

PR 412 Camp Administration (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Approval from chair of Bible. This course involves working at a Christian camp during the summer and receiving actual training in the administrative responsibilities of running a camp.

PR 413 Camp Practicum (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Approval from chair of Bible. Students receive experiential training in crafts, Bible classes, programs, and counseling.

PR 415 Marriage and Family Education (3) Offered on campus: Fall, Spring; online: Interterm, Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior. This course is designed to guide the student from a biblical perspective through the multitude of responsibilities relating to courtship and marriage. Students will know the biblical foundation for marriage and learn principles for courtship, engagement, roles in marriage, adjustments during marriage, stewardship, and parenthood. This course may be taken as a social science elective.

PR 417 Pastoral Internship Practicum (3) Offered Summer. Prereq.: Junior or senior ministerial student and approval from the Ministerial Internship Coordinator. This practicum is 12 weeks long. Students receive practical training in the pastoral ministry by working with an experienced pastor in the field.

PR 420 Youth Ministries Practicum (2) Offered Fall, Spring. Prereq.: PR 312 and junior or senior youth ministries concentration or broad field. Students will be required to assist in a youth ministry. This practicum may be done at Campus Church or at an approved local church off campus. Special attention will be given to Bible instruction, organizing and administering youth activities, counseling young people, proper discipline, and teenage soulwinning.