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Bachelor of Science in Music Education

Music Education: Inspiring Others with the Gift of Music

One of the greatest joys of music is sharing your passion and talent with others. As a music teacher, you will experience that joy constantly as you pass on your love of music to your students.

You’ll start your music education degree by developing a strong Christian philosophy of education, learning traditional teaching strategies that will make you an effective music teacher. Your teaching skills will be refined in peer-teaching settings and at Pensacola Christian Academy (PCA). During your senior year, you’ll complete your teacher education with an internship at PCA, solidifying your skills under the guidance of master teachers.

You’ll build your own music ability in either a keyboard, instrumental, or choral conducting emphasis. No matter which emphasis you choose, you’ll also study music theory, music history, music technology, singing, piano, conducting, and all orchestral instruments—making you a highly capable instructor, able to adapt to the needs and interests of your students.

As you grow as a musician, you’ll have many opportunities to share your talent in ministry or performance settings. In your final year, you’ll have the opportunity to invite family and friends to watch you perform a recital either as a soloist or as a conductor.

Your well-rounded education will prepare you for a successful career in the classroom, rehearsal hall, and private studio.

Faith-Based Music Education

PCC’s music education program offers a distinctively Christian education with an emphasis on glorifying God through music. As a Christian musician, you’ll learn principles for choosing and performing music that reaches the hearts of your audience—whether you’re serving in ministry, giving a concert, or guiding your students. You’ll also study important educational philosophies that will help you teach from a biblical perspective, preparing your students to use their talents in a way that honors the Lord.

girl teaching music

Music Education Learning Outcomes

As a music education graduate, you will be able to

  • apply a Christian-traditional philosophy of music to purposes, content, and methods of teaching.
  • demonstrate appropriate skill in your primary proficiency.
  • demonstrate a working knowledge of the elements of music.
  • organize, establish, and manage an effective learning environment.
  • demonstrate knowledge of the learner with ability to teach him.
  • teach effectively in a Christian school.
  • integrate biblical Christian values in teaching.
  • exhibit the professional qualities required of successful teachers.

Program Highlight

Music Teaching Internship

As you prepare for your career as a music educator, the culmination of your training will be a full-semester Music Teaching Internship (ED 450) at Pensacola Christian Academy. Working with experienced faculty members who will mentor you and help you refine your skills, you’ll be responsible for music classes, private lessons, and musical groups. Your student teaching experience will give you the confidence you need as you make your final transition from music student to music teacher.

Your Music Education Future

What can you do with a music education degree?

When you complete your bachelor’s degree in music education from PCC, you’ll be equipped to teach in a school music program, serve as a church musician, conduct musical groups, or teach lessons in your own private music studio—or you may continue your education by pursuing a specialized graduate degree.

Although the education degree programs do not lead to state licensure, graduates are qualified to receive teacher certification through the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Christian School Teacher
  • Public Speaker
  • Missionary
  • Homeschool Teacher
  • Church Musician
  • Private Lesson Teacher
  • Choir Director
  • Band Director

Here are a few of the grad schools our music education alumni have attended.

  • Belmont University
  • Berklee College of Music
  • Dordt University
  • Florida State University
  • Lamar University
  • Lipscomb University
  • Piedmont International University
  • Purdue University, Global (formerly Kaplan University)
  • Thomas University

Here are a few of the many places that our music education alumni have worked.

  • Berean Baptist Academy, Fayetteville, NC
  • Cedarstone School of Music
  • Curtis Baptist School
  • Central Christian Academy
  • Gulf Breeze School of Music
  • Land O’ Lakes Christian School
  • Legacy Traditional School
  • Majesty Christian Academy
  • Nashville Christian School
  • Nassau Christian Academy

Faculty Highlight

Debbra Pope

Miss Debbra Pope

B.A., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., University of South Florida

“Music education is a diverse field including early general music education, advanced performing groups, private lessons, and small ensembles, just to name a few. The excellent teachers are those who recognize and run with their strengths while also recognizing and working to improve their weaknesses.

My hope is always that each student will take what they have learned and use it in any way they can. For many, that means jumping right into a music program in a school. For others, it’s setting up a private studio or creating a community youth band, choir, or orchestra. For yet others, it’s pouring themselves into ministering through music at their church.

I want my education students to learn that each student they interact with can benefit personally and musically from that interaction no matter how much talent or practice that student comes with. The greatest challenges, many times, bring the greatest rewards. Excellence is possible at every level. When you expect excellence in the little things, growth comes quickly.”

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Alumni Spotlight

Marissa Caswell
Marissa Caswell ’17, M.A. ’19

K–8 Music Teacher and Choral Director
The Cor Deo School in Tacoma, WA

“Finding a program that emphasized the spiritual side of music was essential because of music’s capacity to touch hearts in ways that words alone cannot. PCC, with its emphasis on music as more than a mere academic pursuit, matched many of the qualifications I desired.

During my years at PCC, I experienced academic rigor as we sounded the depths of music theory, broadened our understanding of the world through an overview of Western music history, and studied the fundamentals of band and orchestral instruments. Beyond these academic pursuits, the defining characteristic of PCC’s music education program was its outstanding, caring faculty. As I began teaching in my own classroom, I felt compelled to model my teaching style after instructors who understood the necessity of touching their students’ souls before teaching content, assuring students that they are known, valued, and cared for as individuals. Their intentionality in developing relationships shaped the learning environment into a community of scholars. Their consistent kindness and support continue to be affirming, even after graduation.”

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Music Education Major Course Schedule

Recommended Course Sequence
Piano class

About the Music Education Program

The purpose of the music education major is to prepare students to teach in a Christian school by equipping them with a Christian-traditional philosophy of music content and teaching methods, practical teaching skills, and a servant’s heart.

$50 per semester or 3 payments of $16.67 (Instrumental emphasis is $55 per semester or 3 payments of $18.33.)

Students taking music lessons and group instruction pay appropriate music course fees.

Students must demonstrate sufficient talent and ability to pursue music courses. They must demonstrate appropriate ability via freshman evaluation, sophomore platform, and senior recital in an area of applied music and take instruction in this field every semester. This major emphasis may be choral conducting, instrumental, or keyboard.

Students with a major in music education are required to enroll in Music Repertoire each semester they enroll in private lessons/conducting classes after passing the first two semesters of lessons. (Choral conducting emphases enroll in music repertoire after completing VO 121 and 122 Vocal Instruction.)

Students whose major emphasis is choral conducting or instrumental must have secondary skill in piano and must pass the secondary piano examination or pass PI 211–212 Secondary Piano.

Second-semester sophomores must pass a music platform evaluation to be approved for a major in music education. A public recital is given during the senior year.

All music education majors must participate in one performing ensemble every semester, including their last 4 semesters. Performing ensembles that meet requirements for each emphasis are as follows:
  • Choral Conducting: Chamber Ensemble, Symphonic Choir
  • Instrumental: Orchestra
  • Keyboard: Accompaniment Practicum, Chamber Ensemble, Handbell Choir, Orchestra, Proclaim Ministry Team (Music), Symphonic Band, Symphonic Choir

Music education students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

Teacher Education Scholarship (up to $12,000)

  • Available to a qualified applicant who has declared an education major.
  • Applicants must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.00 GPA each year (not cumulative) at Pensacola Christian College in order to receive the benefit of the scholarship. Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
  • Recipients receive a tuition benefit up to $12,000 (approximately $3,000 annually; 20% of total tuition) over the first eight consecutive semesters of attendance as a full-time student after approval. If the student is enrolled in the Fourth Year Tuition-Free program, scholarship payments will not be applied during semesters the student is receiving the Fourth Year Tuition-Free benefit.

Steven and Marty Ainsworth Music Education Scholarship
$1,000 scholarship awarded to a junior with a music education major, to be applied over one semester.

Charles Reubin Ball Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 scholarship awarded to a student with a music or music education major or music ministries concentration who has a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

Kathy Irwin Scholarship
$1,000 scholarships awarded to students with secondary, elementary, and music education majors, to be applied over one semester.

Robert and Norma Vermeulen Memorial Scholarship
$500 scholarships each awarded to continuing sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a music or music education major or a pastoral ministries or music ministries concentration who have a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

See More Scholarships
Career Fair

Music Education Career Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for your music education calling.

Every year, an average of 96 schools attend Educator Recruitment, seeking to hire PCC graduates.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.