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Bachelor of Arts in Bible, Youth Ministries Concentration

Youth Ministries: Ignite the Next Generation for Christ

As culture constantly shifts, young people today need Christian leaders who can engage with them, share biblical truths applicable to specific, difficult issues, and inspire them to change the world rather than be changed by it. If God has lit a fire in your soul to spread His love to young people, you can fuel those flames with a youth ministries concentration at PCC, designed to root you in the Word and prepare you to reach the next generation.

PCC offers doctrinally sound Bible classes and lectures, and you’ll find your teachers to be invaluable resources who could remain your mentors even after graduation. Streamline the training you receive for your unique calling by choosing an emphasis in biblical counseling, church music, digital media, education, physical education, or speech. These specializations equip you with extra skills that make you indispensable to any growing church or school.

Studying Youth Ministries to Serve the Lord

The youth ministries concentration at PCC focuses on God’s Word as the foundation for effective ministry. Comprehensive Bible training enables you to better understand God’s Word and communicate its truths. Get involved through multiple ministry opportunities—in a variety of Christian Service groups, in the large youth group at Campus Church, and with other local Bible-believing churches. You’ll grow to love God’s Word more as you focus on serving others.

Evangelism Class

Youth Ministries Concentration Learning Outcomes

As a youth ministries graduate, you will be able to

  • demonstrate thorough knowledge of the content and themes of the Word of God.
  • defend sound doctrine.
  • evaluate current issues in light of biblical teaching.
  • develop a biblical philosophy of ministry.
  • present biblical truth correctly and clearly.
  • demonstrate skills necessary for effective youth ministry.

Program Highlights

Youth Ministry

In the Youth Ministry class (PR 312), students accumulate resources to assist in future ministry. As they establish a biblical philosophy for working with young people, they’ll explore today’s difficult issues that teens and children deal with to develop practical methods to reach them.

Youth Ministry Practicum

The Youth Ministry Practicum (PR 420) immerses students in Christian Service opportunities at Campus Church or at an approved local church. The class meets with the Campus Church youth pastor weekly to discuss counseling and teaching young people from the Bible and organizing youth activities.

Your Youth Ministries Future

What can you do with a youth ministries concentration?

A Bible degree with a youth ministries concentration will prepare you for the next step. Combined with your chosen emphasis, you’ll gain additional skills that add value to your ministry and contribute expertise to serve however needed. Whether you pursue a graduate degree or join a ministry right away, you’ll be on the path to articulate biblical truths clearly—and to motivate young people to confidently claim the Christian faith as their own.

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Associate Pastor
  • Bible Teacher
  • Camp Director
  • Children’s Director
  • Children’s Pastor
  • Christian Camp Director
  • Church Leader
  • Counselor
  • Teacher
  • Youth/Children’s Teacher
  • Youth Director
  • Youth Pastor

Here are a few of the grad schools our youth ministries alumni have attended.

  • Anchor Christian University
  • Columbia Southern University
  • Grand Canyon University
  • Liberty University
  • Pensacola Theological Seminary
  • The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • University of Wyoming
  • West Coast Baptist College

Here are a few of the many places that our youth ministries alumni have worked.

  • Bible Baptist Church, Hendersonville, TN
  • Hendersonville Christian Academy, TN
  • Rosedale Baptist Church, Rosedale, MD
  • U.S. House of Representatives, Michigan

Faculty Highlight

Dr. Dan Troutman

Dr. Dan Troutman

B.A., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.Div., Pensacola Theological Seminary
M.Min., D.Min., Baptist Bible Seminary
Graduate study: Liberty University

“Youth ministry has always been a passion for me. I learned the Bible, character, standards, and more as an undergrad at PCC, in a way that I’m not sure I would have gotten any other way. Those changes in me made me want to affect that kind of change in others. I remember a Ministerial Class speaker telling us that more than ⅓ of the world’s population is under 20, and that if we wanted to make a difference for Christ, it would begin with young people. I wanted to be a part of that difference. Now I get to teach the course on Youth Ministry, which emphasizes developing a biblical philosophy of ministering to young people. I get to help enable the next generation of youth workers to reach the world.

One of our great distinctives is that our youth ministry concentration is ultimately a Bible major. Our students get a thorough Bible and ministerial foundation, and then, as they get further into their studies, get to apply that content to youth and children’s ministries. Since methods and practices of ministry are always changing, I love that we put emphasis on the Word of God, which never changes, but still apply that to practical ministry. It’s a great balance.”

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Alumni Spotlight

Clay Cox
Clay Cox ’19

Bible Baptist Church, Hendersonville, TN

“Let there be no mistake about PCC’s ministerial program. It will equip you phenomenally. It taught me how to preach and teach, and I will never forget the training my college professors poured into me. I never anticipated the immense amount of Christian growth [I gained] from my teachers. Something the ads and brochures of PCC can never tell you is just how amazing it is to find people that love you, pray for you, and stick with you through everything. I truly am so grateful for the lasting relationships I have made during my time at PCC. I was privileged to go on summer internships where I discovered abundantly clearly God was calling me [to Bible Baptist Church].”

Read more about Clay Cox
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Recommended Course Sequence

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Students must demonstrate ability in one area of applied music and take one-half hour instruction in this area for four semesters (voice, keyboard, organ, or one of the standard band or orchestral instruments). Previous voice training is not required of voice students. Organ lessons require at least three years of piano background. A platform and recital are not required.

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Technology Requirements: Students enrolled in 300- or 400-level art courses are required to own a personal laptop for use in class. An Adobe Creative Cloud subscription is also required. Laptop specifications must meet minimum Adobe Creative Cloud system requirements.

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Total Credits

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Extracurricular Activity Requirement: Students in this emphasis must participate in several semesters of intercollegiate or intramural sports or an approved alternative.

Fitness Test: Students in this emphasis must pass the Physical Fitness Test or take PE 160/170 Swimming/Physical Fitness or PE 283/273 Physical Fitness (minimum grade of “C-” required).

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To continue in speech emphasis, students must successfully complete a sophomore speech platform and enroll in SP 999 Speech Repertoire when taking private lessons. A recital is not required.

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student at ministerial seminar

About the Youth Ministries Concentration

The purpose of the youth ministries concentration is to prepare Christians for effective work with youth.

Ministerial students are required to complete seven semesters of Ministerial Seminar, including their last four semesters.

$10 per semester or 3 payments of $3.33
Speech emphasis is $20 per semester or 3 payments of $6.67.
Digital media emphasis is $80 per semester or 3 payments of $26.67.
Students taking music lessons or group instruction pay appropriate music course fees.

Youth ministries students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

Vocational Ministry Scholarship (up to $12,000)

  • Available to a qualified applicant who has declared a Bible major with a concentration in biblical counseling, biblical studies, general studies, missions, music ministry or youth ministry, and comes from a church that is Bible-believing.
  • Applicants must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.00 GPA each year (not cumulative) at Pensacola Christian College in order to receive the benefit of the scholarship. Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
  • Recipients receive a tuition benefit up to $12,000 (approximately $3,000 annually; 20% of total tuition) up to eight semesters of attendance after approval. If the student is enrolled in the Fourth Year Tuition-Free program, scholarship payments will not be applied during semesters the student is receiving the Fourth Year Tuition-Free benefit.

Michael R. Baker Soulwinner Scholarship
$1,000 scholarships each awarded to continuing sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a pastoral or youth ministries concentration who have a financial need and a desire to win souls to Christ, to be applied over one semester.

Melvin and Mary Jane Bere Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 scholarship awarded to a continuing sophomore or junior with a missions, music ministries, pastoral ministries, or youth ministries concentration who has a financial need, to be applied in the fall semester.

“The Called” Ministerial Scholarship
$2,000 scholarships awarded to male juniors with a pastoral ministries or youth ministries concentration, to be applied in the fall semester.

Dr. Lynn E. Irwin Memorial Scholarship
$2,000 scholarship awarded to students with a pastoral ministries or youth ministries concentration, to be applied over one semester.

See More Scholarships
career fair

Youth Ministries Career Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for a ministry to youth.

Every year, church representatives come to campus seeking PCC graduates.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.