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Bachelor of Arts in Bible, General Studies Emphasis

General Studies: Grow in God’s Word

Whether you plan to expand your personal ministry by serving in your church or reaching out to coworkers in a secular workplace, thoroughly studying Scripture will help equip you to emulate Christ in your daily life.

The general studies emphasis at Pensacola Christian College skillfully combines Bible and liberal arts classes to give you a well-rounded education while deepening your scriptural knowledge. Specialized Bible content courses covering the books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation will give you an in-depth look at Scripture—beyond just reading Bible commentaries. Additionally, biblical training classes like Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Interpersonal Relationships will train you to apply what you’ve learned and serve Christ every day.

You’ll also gain key ministry experience when you participate in some of the countless service opportunities on campus. Prepare for your personal ministry with Christian Service, missions trips, and so much more. When you graduate, you’ll be fully equipped with rich biblical knowledge and a firm stance on the authority of God’s Word, ready to serve your Savior wherever you go in life.

Studying Bible—General Studies to Serve the Lord

By increasing your knowledge and understanding of the Bible, the general studies emphasis enhances your ability to serve others. Additionally, pursuing a general studies emphasis prepares you to share your faith in any setting, whether in the workplace or church ministry. Wherever you go, you can use the biblical and academic training you’ve received to demonstrate Christ’s love.

guy listening to Bible teacher

General Studies Emphasis Learning Outcomes

As a general studies emphasis graduate, you’ll be able to

  • demonstrate thorough knowledge of the content and themes of the Word of God.
  • defend sound doctrine.
  • evaluate current issues in light of biblical teaching.
  • develop a biblical philosophy of ministry.
  • present biblical truth correctly and clearly.

Program Highlights

Bible Content Classes

Several classes focus intently on God’s Word, exploring the meaning, background, author, and events that make up the Scriptures. Taught from a perspective that acknowledges the ultimate authority of the Bible, your classes will cover key books like Genesis (BI 314), Isaiah (BI 320), and Revelation (BI 414). Together these classes will build a solid biblical foundation you can use to share the gospel effectively.

Introduction to Biblical Counseling

Learn practical counseling techniques and how to minister to those around you (PR 262). You’ll gain a foundational understanding of the difference between biblical guidance and secular counseling and the critical role that Scripture should play when advising others.

Your General Studies Future

What can you do with a general studies emphasis?

When you graduate with a general studies emphasis from PCC’s Bible department, you can enter your chosen field. You’ll also have the option to pursue higher education with a master’s in Bible. Wherever you go, you can use your degree to share the love of Christ.

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Associate Pastor
  • Bible Teacher
  • Children’s Pastor
  • Counselor
  • Church Leader
  • Christian Camp Director

Here are a few of the grad schools our general studies alumni have attended.

  • Aspen University
  • Maranatha Baptist University
  • Liberty University
  • Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Here are a few of the many places that our general studies alumni have worked.

  • Child Evangelism Fellowship
  • Greater Houlton Christian Academy
  • Tacoma Baptist Schools
  • Tripler Army Medical Center
  • Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
  • Pro Football Hall of Fame

Faculty Highlight

Rob Small

Dr. Rob Small

B.S., Pensacola Christian College
M.A., M.Div., D.Min., Pensacola Theological Seminary

“My desire for general studies students is that they would use the knowledge they gain in their college Bible classes to serve the Lord now and in the future. After they graduate, students should be able to serve the Lord in various ministries in their local churches, whether as full-time staff or lay volunteers. The general studies emphasis is a non-ministerial program designed for the student who wants to be equipped with a solid foundation of Bible content and doctrine.

Students with a general studies emphasis will take a variety of Bible classes aimed at increasing their confidence in teaching and applying the Bible to various audiences. If you have a heart for God, a love for the Bible, and a desire to serve others but aren’t sure in what capacity, then this program may be a good fit for you.”

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Alumni Spotlight

Jonathan Stormer
Jonathan Stormer ’03

Resident Physician at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

“Initially, I thought I had to go into full-time Christian service, so I changed majors and completed two Bible degrees. I realized Christian service encompasses all aspects of life, so I returned to pursuing a ministry through medicine. As an image bearer I wanted to glorify God by maximizing my potential to serve others and utilize my gifts to relieve their suffering.

It is also at PCC where I began taking responsibility to develop and maintain a personal relationship with God and learned to trust in Him to enable me to perform the tasks that He calls me to do. My journey since has been very difficult with significant challenges, but my relationship with Christ has carried me through.”

Read more about Jonathan Stormer
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About the General Studies Emphasis

The purpose of the general studies emphasis is to prepare Christians for effective service in a nonpastoral setting.

Students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

See Scholarships
Students talking with Representative at Career Fair

Bible Career Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for your career.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.