Music Ministries Image

Bachelor of Arts in Bible, Music Ministries Concentration

Music Ministries: A Heart for Worship

Music is an essential part of worship and allows Christians to praise and glorify God through song. It has the power to soften hearts and reach the lost with the gospel.

The music ministries concentration at Pensacola Christian College combines in-depth Bible classes and extensive musical training, readying you for your calling. Learn the biblical basis for music in the church and how to lead God-honoring music that communicates God’s love and holiness. As a church musician, choir director, accompanist, or music teacher, you’ll have the skills, knowledge, and heart for music to flourish wherever you’re led.

You’ll gain a strong biblical philosophy of worship music while earning practical experience. Join one of countless choral and instrumental groups to further strengthen your skills. You can also serve locally in the Campus Church, chapel, and other ministries as you prepare for your future.

Studying Music Ministries to Serve the Lord

PCC’s Bible and music classes are taught from a clear biblical perspective and illustrate the role music plays in the church. Building on this foundation, you’ll be able to express a philosophy of church music and how it can be implemented into your personal ministry. Become fully equipped to spread the light of the gospel through song, combining your passion for music and heart for service.

music class

Music Ministries Concentration Learning Outcomes

As a music ministries concentration graduate, you will be able to

  • demonstrate thorough knowledge of the content and themes of the Word of God.
  • defend sound doctrine.
  • evaluate current issues in light of biblical teaching.
  • develop a biblical philosophy of ministry.
  • present biblical truth correctly and clearly.
  • demonstrate skills necessary for effective leadership in a church music ministry.

Program Highlights

Foundations of Church Music

Build a strong foundation of music theory, song leading techniques, and current musical issues in a class (MU 100) that will help develop your philosophy of church music. You’ll learn the fundamental aspects of being a church musician and how to put your classes into practice in your future ministry.

Church Music Philosophy and Administration

Prepare for your future as you examine the full-scope role of a church musician. In this class (MU 402), you’ll learn to view church music from an administrative standpoint and learn about implementing a music philosophy and program, planning, budgeting, setting program goals, and much more.

Your Music Ministries Future

What can you do with a music ministries concentration?

A music ministries concentration will fully equip you to pursue your calling. You could begin your ministry right away in a local church, teach music in a school, or pursue a graduate degree. Whatever you choose, you’ll be able to use your training to make a difference and reach the world through music ministry.

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Choir Director
  • Church Accompanist
  • Church Musician
  • Music Minister
  • Music Teacher

Here are a few of the grad schools our music ministries alumni have attended.

  • Bob Jones University
  • Jacksonville State University
  • Luther Rice College & Seminary

Here are a few of the many places that our music ministries alumni have worked.

  • Baylor University
  • Fairfield Drive Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL
  • Grace Academy of Dallas
  • Ministry Village Early Learning Center, Pensacola, FL
  • Pensacola Christian Academy

Faculty Highlight

Dr. Tim Willingham

Dr. Tim Willingham

B.A., M.A., Ed.S., Pensacola Christian College
Ed.D., Liberty University

“Though the degree is called ‘Music Ministries,’ the degree’s focus is pointing people to Christ through music. Students learn to lead people in worship via music. Music is an effective tool to worship and thereby minister to your congregation, much like Paul and Silas did in Acts 16. They ‘sang praises to God,’ and from that worship, had an opportunity to lead the jailor and his family to Christ. When we have worshiping God as our top priority, then we can minister grace to the hearers and have an opportunity to lead folks to Christ.”

Read more about Dr. Willingham
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Alumni Spotlight

Brandon Roberts
Brandon Roberts ’15

Music and Bible Faculty at Pensacola Christian Academy

“PCC gave me the opportunity to study with expert teachers who taught me the skills of music performance and pastoral ministry. Because those teachers poured their lives into mine, I can pay their investment forward by daily educating students in music and the Word at school—then when Sunday comes, I can continue the ministry of music to their parents as I lead my Bible study group in worship each week. Whether in church or school and across all ages and stages, the music ministries degree at PCC prepares graduates for a lifetime of service to God. Whether leading a congregation in praise to God, preaching a Bible message, directing a choir, or giving a music lesson—the music ministries graduate can effectively communicate the gospel in word and song.”

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Recommended Course Sequence


Total Credits

one on one violin instruction

About the Music Ministries Program

The purpose of the music ministries concentration is to prepare Christians for effective use of music in ministry contexts.

$10 per semester or 3 payments of $3.33
Students taking music lessons or group instruction pay appropriate music course fees.

Students receive half-hour lessons each semester during sophomore, junior, and senior years. All applied music credits must be taken in the same emphasis (voice, keyboard, organ, or one of the standard band or orchestral instruments). A platform and recital are not required.

Ministerial students in the music ministries concentration must complete at least four semesters of Ministerial Seminar, including their last four semesters.

Music ministries students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

Vocational Ministry Scholarship (up to $12,000)

  • Available to a qualified applicant who has declared a Bible major with a concentration in biblical counseling, biblical studies, general studies, missions, music ministry or youth ministry, and comes from a church that is Bible-believing.
  • Applicants must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.00 GPA each year (not cumulative) at Pensacola Christian College in order to receive the benefit of the scholarship. Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
  • Recipients receive a tuition benefit up to $12,000 (approximately $3,000 annually; 20% of total tuition) up to eight semesters of attendance after approval. If the student is enrolled in the Fourth Year Tuition-Free program, scholarship payments will not be applied during semesters the student is receiving the Fourth Year Tuition-Free benefit.

Melvin and Mary Jane Bere Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 scholarship awarded to a continuing sophomore or junior with a missions, music ministries, pastoral ministries, or youth ministries concentration who has a financial need, to be applied in the fall semester.

Eleanor Robson Scholarship
Up to $3,000 scholarship awarded in $1,000 increments to a continuing sophomore with a criminal justice major, secondary education major with a science or biology concentration, or music ministries concentration who has a financial need, to be applied in the 3rd, 5th, and 7th semesters of consecutive attendance.

Robert and Norma Vermeulen Memorial Scholarship
$500 scholarships each awarded to continuing sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a music or music education major or a pastoral ministries or music ministries concentration who have a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

See More Scholarships
Career Fair

Bible Career Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for your career in music ministry.

Every year, church representatives come to campus seeking PCC graduates.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.