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Bachelor of Arts in Humanities,
Pre-Law Emphasis

Pre-Law: Fill the Need for Christians in Law

A lawyer is both an advocate and an advisor, defending the weak and standing for justice. Prepare to succeed in law school, a future legal career, and so much more, when you pursue the rigorous bachelor’s degree with a pre-law emphasis at PCC.

Bible, political science, literature, history, and criminal justice classes will contribute to your understanding of society and personal relationships. Grammar and composition will help you use the English language effectively and give you research experience and the expertise to write reports and handle legal documents. At the same time, creative writing and voice and diction practice will prepare you to present convincing arguments in a courtroom.

Arm yourself with a foundation in liberal arts from a biblical perspective and be poised for the rigors of law school. As you advance your communication and critical thinking skills, you’ll portray excellence in written and oral expression. The time you spend at PCC will prepare you to meet the need for courageous Christians in various legal professions.

Law schools look to accept students with a broad program of study, a high cumulative grade point average, and an exceptional LSAT score. As a PCC pre-law graduate, the qualities you earn will make you stand out to law school professors and become a true asset in your career.

Faith-Based Pre-Law

Pre-law content combined with a biblical foundation in every course will fully prepare you to defend truth and religious freedom. Become an invaluable resource in legal service with effective communication and critical thinking skills that exhibit honesty and integrity. After your study, you’ll emerge a servant-leader, bold and ready to stand for righteousness in legal fields across America.

girl writing in class

Pre-Law Emphasis Learning Outcomes:

As a pre-law graduate, you will be able to

  • analyze information from a variety of disciplines using the biblical worldview.
  • compose clear arguments in written and oral forms.
  • employ skills necessary to enter law school.

Program Highlights

Pre-Law Seminar

When you take HI 399 Pre-Law Seminar, law school preparation becomes more real. Course assignments are geared to help you actually begin the law school application process, including writing a personal statement, résumé, requests for recommendations, and more. Practicing attorneys and judges visit the class to share field-related topics. By the end of the semester, you’ll be more than equipped to take the LSAT, brief cases, create outlines, and succeed in law school.

LSAT Workshops

Regent and Liberty Universities host LSAT workshops on PCC’s campus to familiarize students with one of the most critical parts of the law school application process, the LSAT. Students learn strategies to score high on the LSAT and take practice tests. The workshop closes with a dinner with these Christian law school representatives, including PCC alumni currently in law school. These events present great opportunities to ask questions about what law school is really like, what admissions officers look for, how to best prepare, and more.

Your Pre-Law Future

What can you do with a pre-law emphasis?

With a humanities degree with a pre-law emphasis from PCC, you’ll become an effective communicator and critical thinker—two of the most essential skills to succeed in law school. Whether you continue to law school, start working in the legal field right away, pursue a future in politics, or apply your skills in countless other career possibilities, you’ll stand out as a Christian leader.

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Associate Attorney
  • Judge
  • Juris doctor
  • Lawyer
  • Legal Assistant
  • Legal Scholar
  • Paralegal
  • Politician
  • Teacher
  • Writer/Researcher

Here are a few of the grad schools our pre-law alumni have attended.

  • Florida State University
  • Georgetown University Law Center
  • Liberty University
  • Pepperdine University of Law
  • Regent University School of Law
  • Rutgers University School of Law–Camden
  • Seton Hall University School of Law
  • University of Chicago Law School

Here are a few of the many places that our pre-law alumni have worked.

  • Beggs & Lane, RLLP
  • Christian Law Association
  • Martenson, Hasbrouk & Simon, LLP
  • Pierce Atwood, LLP
  • Richter, Head, Shinall & White

Faculty Highlight

Paul Bailey

Dr. Paul Bailey

B.A., Pensacola Christian College
J.D., Regent University

“Some students begin an undergraduate law degree seeking to learn law—but they learn so much more. They build upon the fundamentals of reasoning, writing, and speaking at PCC. The pre–law program more than adequately covers these three categories and provides a well–rounded foundation to excel in law school.

As I teach my students, I desire for them to uphold a Christian foundation in law and to articulate what they believe from a Christian perspective as they pursue their future legal study or career.”

Meet more faculty

Alumni Spotlight

Julie Hunter-Anderson
Julie Hunter–Anderson ’13

Associate Attorney
Martenson, Hasbrouk & Simon, LLP

“As an attorney, I have the duty to represent my client’s interest to the best of my ability and an obligation to be honest and straightforward in everything I do. The pre-law program at PCC taught me how to balance those interests, and the rigorous study prepared me to compete. I was fully prepared for the transition into law school. Balancing a full class schedule while working on campus improved my time management skills and helped me learn how to balance the constant pressures of life as an attorney. I find myself comfortable speaking in court—I still use the speech and debate skills I learned and am able to help other attorneys with public speaking.”

Meet more alumni

Pre-Law Emphasis
Student Perspective

Cameron West

“It seems like everybody pulls something different away from each lesson. It really broadens your horizons.” Explore the pre-law program with student Cameron West and professor Dr. John Reese.

About the Pre-Law Emphasis

The purpose of the pre-law emphasis is to give students a broad-based education which will equip them to be successful in law school and in a career in law.

Pre-law students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

Roger and Eloise Anderson Scholarship
Up to $3,000 scholarship awarded to a continuing sophomore with a business major, mechanical or pre-medicine concentration, or pre-law emphasis who has a financial need, to be applied in the 3rd, 5th, and 7th semesters of consecutive attendance.

French Scholarship
$1,000 scholarships awarded to continuing sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a pre-law emphasis, to be applied over one semester.

Harold D. Suttles, Jr., Legal and Missionary Scholarship Fund
$750 scholarship awarded to a continuing sophomore, junior, or senior with a missions concentration or pre-law emphasis who has a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

See More Scholarships
Career Fair

Pre-Law Career Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for a career in law.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.