Mathematics Image

Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, Mathematics Concentration

Inspire Students to Learn God’s Mathematical Laws

Learn how to teach math to junior high and high school students, making your classroom a place where students can discover a love for this fascinating subject while developing practical problem solving skills.

You’ll start by developing a strong Christian philosophy of education and learning traditional teaching strategies that will make you an effective mathematics teacher. You’ll study in college-level math classes, practice teaching in five education labs with the latest classroom technology, and prepare for your career by observing and teaching in Pensacola Christian Academy (PCA) classes.

As a senior, you’ll complete your teacher education with an internship at PCA, refining your skills under the guidance of PCA’s master teachers.

To give you many opportunities for ministry and employment, you will choose a second teaching field in addition to your major concentration. The leadership, classroom management, and communication skills cultivated in the education program—as well as proficiency in your chosen teaching fields—will open doors for countless possibilities after graduation.

Faith-Based Mathematics Education

Because all mathematical laws are God’s laws, searching out the laws of the universe helps us to learn more about our Creator. Showing students that mathematical principles are in harmony with the absolute truths in God’s Word, you’ll have a unique opportunity to present a biblical worldview and encourage Christians to make a difference in the STEM community.

Dr. Gregory teaching in classroom

Secondary Education Learning Outcomes

As a secondary education graduate, you will be able to

  • apply a Christian-traditional philosophy of education to purposes, content, and methods of teaching.
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject content unique to their selected concentration and second teaching field.
  • demonstrate proficiency in the use of methods and materials appropriate for the traditional secondary classroom.
  • organize, establish, and manage an effective learning environment.
  • demonstrate knowledge of the learner with ability to teach him.
  • teach effectively in a Christian junior high or high school.
  • integrate biblical Christian values in teaching.
  • exhibit the professional qualities required of successful teachers.

Program Highlights

Secondary Teaching Internship

Throughout your time in the Secondary Education program at Pensacola Christian College, you will study proven teaching methods, observe master teachers, practice teaching your peers, and teach lessons at Pensacola Christian Academy. In your senior year, you’ll take the final step toward preparing for a successful teaching career: leading your very own classes during your Secondary Teaching Internship (SE 420).

Mentored by an experienced PCA teacher, you’ll gain experience as you participate in every aspect of teaching—eventually becoming fully responsible for your own class. Teaching in both your primary concentration and your second teaching field, you’ll refine the skills you need to become an excellent teacher and be ready to lead your first class with confidence.

Your Mathematics Education Future

What can you do with a secondary education degree, mathematics concentration?

When you complete your bachelor’s degree in secondary education with a mathematics concentration from PCC, you’ll be fully equipped to teach junior high or high school mathematics in a Christian school—or you may continue your education by pursuing a graduate degree. Although the education degree programs do not lead to state licensure, graduates are qualified to receive teacher certification through the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

Here are a few of the countless career opportunities available to you.

  • Christian School Teacher
  • Church Ministry
  • Homeschool Teacher
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Missions
  • Public Speaker
  • School Administrator

Here are a few of the grad schools our mathematics concentration alumni have attended.

  • Liberty University
  • Southeastern Oklahoma State University
  • University of South Florida

Here are a few of the many places that our mathematics concentration alumni have worked.

  • Franklin Road Christian School
  • Landmark Christian Academy
  • New Jersey United Christian Academy
  • Newnan Christian School
  • Owens Community College
  • Philadelphia Christian School Tattnall Square Academy

Faculty Highlight

Bob Machado

Mr. Bob Machado

B.S., M.S., Pensacola Christian College
Graduate study: University of West Florida

“I want every student who goes through my classes to step confidently into the classroom. I like to challenge them with additional questions outside the normal homework questions in order to get them to think like math teachers.

I also strive to encourage my students to love their subject. So many people have negative experiences with mathematics because of a teacher who did not love the subject.

One reason I love math is the order that it shows and how it helps me understand more about the nature of my God.

Also, because it is an expression of His nature, it is remarkably applicable to the creation He made. Showing those aspects to students—to explain why we teach the subject—helps to make it come alive.”

Meet more faculty

Alumni Spotlight

Ben Jackey
Ben Jackey ’19

Math and Science Teacher, Condell Park Christian School in Australia

“Education is a huge open door for ministry and even foreign missions. Studying secondary education at PCC prepared me well to fulfill God's calling in my life, to jump into the classroom and have an influence in the lives of young people.

I learned how to teach classes effectively, including classroom management, test writing, teaching skills, and fluency in math concepts. The internship was arguably the most beneficial part of my time at PCC. It was necessary to have that chance to practice and sharpen my teaching skills under the guidance of a current teacher.

If God has called an individual to pursue secondary education, I believe PCC is an excellent option to prepare for that calling in an environment that stretches the individual and builds their faith.”

Meet more alumni

Alumni Spotlight

Shannon Spiegle

The lightbulb moments are what make a teaching career invaluable to Shannon Spiegle ('99, math education). Hear how PCC prepared her for every aspect of the high school classroom.

About the Mathematics Concentration

The purpose of the secondary education major is to prepare students to teach in a Christian school by equipping them with a Christian-traditional philosophy of subject content and teaching methods, practical teaching skills, and a servant’s heart.

Secondary education students can apply for scholarships to receive financial aid.

Teacher Education Scholarship (up to $12,000)

  • Available to a qualified applicant who has declared an education major.
  • Applicants must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.00 GPA each year (not cumulative) at Pensacola Christian College in order to receive the benefit of the scholarship. Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
  • Recipients receive a tuition benefit up to $12,000 (approximately $3,000 annually; 20% of total tuition) over the first eight consecutive semesters of attendance as a full-time student after approval. If the student is enrolled in the Fourth Year Tuition-Free program, scholarship payments will not be applied during semesters the student is receiving the Fourth Year Tuition-Free benefit.

Dr. Barbara Bradley Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 scholarships each awarded to continuing juniors or seniors with a secondary education major who have a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

Kathy Irwin Scholarship
$1,000 scholarships awarded to students with secondary, elementary, and music education majors, to be applied over one semester.

Rosann Petermeyer Memorial Scholarship
$500 scholarship awarded to a continuing sophomore or junior with a secondary education major who has a financial need, to be applied over one semester.

Melvin and Mabel Teuscher Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 scholarships each awarded to continuing sophomores, juniors, or seniors who have a financial need, to be applied over one semester. Priority will be given to education majors.

See More Scholarships
Career Fair

Secondary Education Support

With Career Services and Career Link, students can start making connections with employers while on campus during Career Fair events. These services provide tools and resources designed to empower you for your secondary education calling.

Every year, an average of 96 schools attend Educator Recruitment, seeking to hire PCC graduates.

Need help? Career Services staff are ready to assist you in researching employment opportunities, exploring job qualifications, and providing mock interviews and résumé support.